Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Something Weird after Jollibee

Date: September 13th, 2020
Type: CE Anomaly
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 5:30pm-8:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep: 5:30pm
State of Mind Before: Ok (Me)/Ok (Aunt)/Bothered (Wolfbrother)/Ok (Guest)
State of Mind After: Bothered (Me)/Bothered (Aunt)/Bothered (Wolfbrother)/Ok (Guest)
Odd occurrences before: Metal Ping with Wave Noise
Odd occurrences after: Everyone dehydrated after occurance...

I know I have posted in awhile. Things have been somewhat calm, since I am busy with Wolfbrother and other things. Occurances still happen with my aunt, and things are occurring with me usually when left outside my room. I already let my Wolfbrother know that I am no longer comforatable sleeping outside the room as I feel vulnerable as episodes have occurred.

Sunday started off as a normal day, other than being bothered by people in general because of the Covid nonsense, BLM, and the government..... my day was okay. Warcraft Shadowlands is coming out and the new Hyrule Warriors was announced so I was in a good mood..... and I decided my guest and I should give Jollibee a try. For those of you no familiar with Jollibee, it is a philippino fast food place that serves spaghetti, chicken, and burgers. We decided to try the rampart location and bought the food back home to the family. The food was okay, it was different and new..... even though we have seen the place for years. I think we agree, that the pineapple juice was the best thing (the food is okay, just not something for us to go back to).

So as the afternoon rolled into early evening, we all felt tired. My aunt was sleepy, I was sleepy, my guest was sleep, and my Wolfbrother was just uh..... I told him I was gonna take a nap and he was gonna watch TV. I lay down, listening to the "waves" that we had on. As I lay down I noticed there was something very off, there was an odd sound withe the waves. As I lay there, I noticed when the "waves" crashed there was a metal tingle.....and the waves receded as normal.... then the crash and another metal tingle. I adjusted my head to see where the sound was coming from. I noted that the tingle only occurred when my head was on its side and only in my left ear. After a couple of cycles I knocked out.

For some reason I found myself awake.... I couldn't move. Something was wrong.... I mumbled to myself "It's okay Michael...lets figure this out". I listened and it was quiet... the light was a bit brighter..... and I decided to call out to my Wolfbrother. I stopped half way because I didn't think there was anything he could do, so I yelled for my guest.... but though that was foolish as he was in another room. So I started doing what I could...trying to get out of it. After about 15 minutes I finally fell out of it.... looked around.... and asked my Wolfbrother if everything was okay. He said nothing weird. I went to pee, felt really dehydrated... and came back in the room and explained what had happened. Very nonchalantly he said "Yeah I know.... you were talking to yourself...called me then called out to my GUEST". I asked him was there anything else odd.... anything. He said no. A few moments later my guest walked in and had to go pee too.... he had just woken up as well. 

I went to check my aunt.... and yes she just woken up as well. Our doggy was groggy. She looked bewildered and I noticed something was missing.... but was scanning the room. I said "let me guess ... you just woke up... and you couldn't move". She looked at me and said "how did you know?". Then she noticed that her cup from Jollibee was missing, and I know I did not throw it away either. I quickly spotted it under the bed on its side. Luckily the lid did not pop off....... which I found very strange. She also though it strange since when we both last recalled it was on a table on the middle of the bed..... if she or the dog had knocked it off..... the cup would have spilled as it would have bounced off the bed hit the chair and then rolled under the bed.

I felt very dehydrated and went back to bed...... and it seem everyone felt off.

No idea what this was.

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