Saturday, August 31, 2024

Abduction Experience Classification

In an effort to simplify the reporting and matriculation of abductions, Richard D. Butler devised this system to categorize the most common types of abduction experiences.

AE-1 "Lucid Dreaming": Lucid Dreaming is the act of dreaming while in a semiconscious state. The subconscious mind guides the dream. In lucid dreaming cases there is no extraterrestrial influence.

AE-2 "Telepathic Lucid Dream": Lucid dream experiences influenced by exterior stimuli. It is theorized that a Telepathic Lucid Dream is achieved via technology that enhances psychic ability, allowing the intrusion of the subject's subconscious. In cases of Telepathic Lucid Dreaming, the subject reports the dissociation of the typical dream state and the insertion of messages and scenarios that often induce a feeling of dread. If the subject awakens immediately afterward, they report a circle of glowing whitish-colored energy on the ceiling, approximately two to three feet in diameter, with a shaft of similar energy slowly retracting back into the circle. This shaft usually is approximately three to six inches in diameter and two-point-five to four feet long.

AE-3 "Psi- or Bio-Energy Field Extraction": The extraction of a "conscious energy field" from a subject. Subjects usually describe a feeling of "deep penetration" throughout the body followed by a pulling sensation. This is the abduction classification that accounts for "missing time" experiences.

AE-4 "Physical Abduction": The physical removal of the subject from their natural environment to an alien environment. In almost all cases the subject reports a sensation like "being drugged" and are removed from the scene with military precision to an alien craft. Most abductees report being subjected to various physical tests and procedures once aboard the craft; such experiences typically include physical exams, genetic experimentation and sperm and ovum extraction. After the experiments are concluded, the subject is returned to his or her original location relatively unharmed.

AE-5 " Past Life Recall": This process uses hypnosis to bring memories of past lives to the conscious mind. Abduction cases using Past Life Recall often represent events of past lives where the subject lived as an alien. Subjects relate being in an underground military facility, sometimes on Mars, the Moon and even under the Earth's oceans. This suggests two very interesting possibilities.

  • During telepathic communication some memories are subconsciously transferred.
  • The subject is recalling actual past life memories of their own. 

What is interesting is some researcher also link these type of experiences to Out of Body Experiences [OBE] and Near Death Experiences [NDE] as well. All three of these experiences are usually explained away as a physical reaction such as stress, seizure, lack of oxygen, or chemical imbalances ti name a few. While those are typical things that can induce an episode, we need to look at the theming and consistency of certain repeatable events.

For example in Abduction Scenarios why are the same number or types of beings the same? How is it that the narrative evolves and continues on a certain theme? How is that it can even become interactive?Why are different and unrelated individuals reporting similar themes? The answers to these questions show that there is a difference from a few episodes that can be explained away as a physical manifestation from an actual abduction.

Butler's categorization includes some metaphysical items that some might discount or seem to muddy the waters of studying the Alien Abduction Phenomena, as it includes psychic abilities, dreams, and past life regression. It doesn't help that most Contactees and Experiencers ascribe to some sort of spirituality, crystals, psychic phenomena, faerie lore, and cryptid zoology.

Despite this..... there is a level of strangeness we don't exactly understand as our minds try to come up with some rationalization of the technology involved in this. What they do seems like magic or psychic abilities...and some of it border lines our fringe science.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Lost Accounts 01: Galactic Federation

I have been going over the overall blog and adding new labels to help quantify and find certain episodes and events. One of the biggest problems to note that when these events don't consider the fact to write these down or catalogue them...and if you do would have to transfer them later. Sometimes you do catalogue these down, but they are stuck on text to a friend...and if you change your phone number...they are all gone. Add to the fact that the responsibilities of real life and the emotional stress of the events add to the weight of this, things are just never posted.....

However, if somethings does stick many years might be very important....... since I am having a session tomorrow...i thought to revisits this fragment mentioned here. This event happened sometime in 2016, as it was with my wolfbrother I shared it with him. During our first two years of knowing eachother there were a lot of weird events and dreams.

Galactic Federation Dreams

Now back in November of 2015, my wolfbrother quit his job and would come to stay with me and work over here for a month. During this time period there was an incident in which the Greys came and punctured his back, he had a mark in his lower spinal area. Over the course of the next several months he would have back pain and odd kidney issues. We did go to Kaiser Permanente several times over the next few months.....but there was nothing they could find. One doctor accused him of looking for pain pills, but the only thing we were doing to relieve the issue was topical heating pads, and Tylenol and Excedrin. Occasional back runs and some spine adjustment was done...but this issue lasted for a few months until July 13th, 2016.

During this time he was invested into doing some CE5 work, wanting to work with them. He wanted power and knowledge, since he had heard stories of individuals who were given information or shown technology. Ever since his meeting with Stan Romenak, he thought he could have a friend relationship with "them". However when he met me...things got too real.

One night while he was staying over an CE4 event occurred, we were both sleeping on the floor in my room. He slept to the right and I had the left side of the room. The odd hum and signal soon came in...and I was paralyzed. He sent soundly and didn't notice anything. I was lifted up and the bathroom door was bathed in light and opened up. A lot of energy was being emitted. Later my wolfbrother would comment it got bright and at the tail end he woke up and I was shivering and let him know something weird happened. He hear me "Thrum" and that what woke him up and he saw the flash of light.

When I was lighted up I was dragged into the bathroom, it was bathed in lights of all colors. There was a cacophony of noise of every language being spoken and emitted. Not only was I being overwhelmed by lights, sound, and vibrations....but my own mind was trying to make sense of this...and I was realizing thus was out of my comfort zone. I recall initially saying "I don't speak color" and they kept repeating something until I the communication was yelled into my thoughts and ears. "We are the Galactic Federation. We have come to tell you that we have a message for you Wolfbrother. We have been trying to reach out to him and he has not responded. Thus it is onto your we pass...". They went on.... sadly much of what is said is lost to my memory...but I started to thrum as I was assaulted by so much energy and being overwhelmed. I started to range pitch to be out of vibration which snapped me back. Despite the overwhelming brilliance I was in purple luminous cloud with a large geometric crystalline red triangle. It was a herald of the Galactic Federation. Besides it communicating with me, there were secondary intrusive "thoughts/voice" saying that it was lying and not to trust the message. As my thrumming too me out of sync...I end up back in my room....where my Wolfbrother was awaken by a flash of light and me visibly shaken.

This was the second time this type of energy being would appear. The first time it appeared a few weeks before. Again....being taking into the bathroom were there was all this light..... and being given a message for my wolfbrother.... about a "Gelded Horse" in Norwegian. The first account mentioned here was just considered a Dream since no one was here and there was nothing too odd....just me being taken into the bathroom and meeting a light who told me things.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Days with out Sleep and some new dreams

Date: 8/17/2024
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:00pm
State of Mind Before: Tired
State of Mind After: Me (Tired), Wolfbrother (Confused), Aunt (N/A)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother Seeing things, Unusually sleepy
Odd occurrences after: CPTSD Incident a few days before.

It has been about a week since the last incident and I finally fell asleep about a day and a half ago. I also conked out most of the day on Friday, yet still fell asleep again as my body recovers. Luckily for those instance of deep sleep no weird dreams.

However there was a series of short dreams that have some concerns....

Dream 1

I am  in a hotel, it nice moderately price with a large comfortable bedroom, king-sized bed, short grey carpet, windows drown with beige curtains, wood panel walls, AC was on, there was a SMART IV which was off...a chair and end table by the TV which was on a stand...there was a set of clothes on the chair. No bathroom or closets....just a bedroom. I think to my self as I sit on the bed, I know they are watching. I do not want to sleep, I need to find somewhere safe. I wish I had a guy with me. Why am I alone.

Dream 2

I am being interrogate by a government agent. Small white room we are at a table. I am sitting across from him. Everything is white in this room, table, chair, wall, and ceiling. No light source. He is wearing a dark suit and sunglasses. He look to be a tall slim male man with receding hair line, black hair. He is asking about the plateaus, he wants to know their location. He says that I drew them on a map, but they are not in this area. He wants to know about the beings that live there that I have mentioned. I stare at him with some confusion, but realize he is talking about the "Other Los Angeles". I just tell him "Plateaus become foothills, they were in Montebello....but not anymore. It is neither here nor there". He became irritated as he insisted I have full memories about this region, but they are unable to locate it. Again I reply with sarcasm "You should know something about geography and geology. If you have access to my memory you know when it is'". He continued to try to question, but I refuse to cooperate any further.

Dream 3

My wolfbrother and three other guys were working in paranormal investigations. We seemed to make a great team, and I recall we have had several great investigations from bigfoot to ghosts. We are really close to the other team members and are like family. However as we are just hanging out, "They show Up" and demand that my Wolfbrother is coming with him. However they walk up to me. My wolfbrother and I are confused. My Wolfbrother asks, "You mean Me?". They look at him and say "No, you are that fat one. You are not wanted." I tell my friend to take my wolfbrother and go. "They" look at me and are preparing to take me, but I began attacking by throwing on out the window. They finally realize their mistake and I tell them to leave and never...never come back. I am tried of this. They attempt to subdue me, so I start to run. I am in an unfamiliar hallway. I pick a random door and there is a room full of asian children. They all look at me and them seem to be having a birthday party. I help out serving Cake and Ice Cream, as well as help them set up games. They are glad I was there, and when they are packing up I try to go with them. However, despite showing them a good time..they give me a black jellybean. They say "You are unwanted and unloved, you know this. You have a purpose, but you will never find happiness, You are marked". 

TV: SNL Close Encounters 1-4


Saturday Night Live did a series of skits featuring Kate McKinon, Ryan Gosling, and Cecily Strong. The skit feature three individuals who are being interviewed by the government after a verified alien encounter. Two of the abductee have a wonderful and awakening experience, while one has a rather disturbing experience.

Ironically the current state of Abduction Groups are split between these two attitudes, one were a majority now claim an awakening and loving experience with energy beings.....but some of us have some weird and uncomfortable things that happen.

Who ever wrote this skit was spot on, as I feel as the odd one out when telling about my experiences.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4