Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Days with out Sleep and some new dreams

Date: 8/17/2024
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 1:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:00pm
State of Mind Before: Tired
State of Mind After: Me (Tired), Wolfbrother (Confused), Aunt (N/A)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother Seeing things, Unusually sleepy
Odd occurrences after: CPTSD Incident a few days before.

It has been about a week since the last incident and I finally fell asleep about a day and a half ago. I also conked out most of the day on Friday, yet still fell asleep again as my body recovers. Luckily for those instance of deep sleep no weird dreams.

However there was a series of short dreams that have some concerns....

Dream 1

I am  in a hotel, it nice moderately price with a large comfortable bedroom, king-sized bed, short grey carpet, windows drown with beige curtains, wood panel walls, AC was on, there was a SMART IV which was off...a chair and end table by the TV which was on a stand...there was a set of clothes on the chair. No bathroom or closets....just a bedroom. I think to my self as I sit on the bed, I know they are watching. I do not want to sleep, I need to find somewhere safe. I wish I had a guy with me. Why am I alone.

Dream 2

I am being interrogate by a government agent. Small white room we are at a table. I am sitting across from him. Everything is white in this room, table, chair, wall, and ceiling. No light source. He is wearing a dark suit and sunglasses. He look to be a tall slim male man with receding hair line, black hair. He is asking about the plateaus, he wants to know their location. He says that I drew them on a map, but they are not in this area. He wants to know about the beings that live there that I have mentioned. I stare at him with some confusion, but realize he is talking about the "Other Los Angeles". I just tell him "Plateaus become foothills, they were in Montebello....but not anymore. It is neither here nor there". He became irritated as he insisted I have full memories about this region, but they are unable to locate it. Again I reply with sarcasm "You should know something about geography and geology. If you have access to my memory you know when it is'". He continued to try to question, but I refuse to cooperate any further.

Dream 3

My wolfbrother and three other guys were working in paranormal investigations. We seemed to make a great team, and I recall we have had several great investigations from bigfoot to ghosts. We are really close to the other team members and are like family. However as we are just hanging out, "They show Up" and demand that my Wolfbrother is coming with him. However they walk up to me. My wolfbrother and I are confused. My Wolfbrother asks, "You mean Me?". They look at him and say "No, you are that fat one. You are not wanted." I tell my friend to take my wolfbrother and go. "They" look at me and are preparing to take me, but I began attacking by throwing on out the window. They finally realize their mistake and I tell them to leave and never...never come back. I am tried of this. They attempt to subdue me, so I start to run. I am in an unfamiliar hallway. I pick a random door and there is a room full of asian children. They all look at me and them seem to be having a birthday party. I help out serving Cake and Ice Cream, as well as help them set up games. They are glad I was there, and when they are packing up I try to go with them. However, despite showing them a good time..they give me a black jellybean. They say "You are unwanted and unloved, you know this. You have a purpose, but you will never find happiness, You are marked". 

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