Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Spotting UFOs in the County of Los Angeles

As many readers of this blog may have come to realize, I live in Southern California. My abductions and experience take place mostly in Los Angeles County. This area is far from a rural or woodland environment, and is a large metropolitan area bordered by San Gabriel Mountains, Santa Monica Mountains, and the Pacific Ocean. The Los Angeles Metro area is small, and is surrounded by many commercial and residential suburbs. There are many industrial areas; with the city be a major national hub for air, rail, and trucking. We also have several military bases throughout the city as well. In other words this city is very busy, with a lots of air traffic.

We have three major airports; Los International Airport [LAX], Burbank Airport, and the Long Beach Airport. Several small airfields; Hawthorn Municipal Airport, Santa Monica Airport, Van Nuys Airport,
San Gabriel Valley Airport, Whitman Airport, Compton Airport, Torrence Airport, Brakett Field
Airport, Agua Dulce Airpark, as well as small private helipads. The Major airports are the main air traffic
with cargo and passenger planes coming in at all hours of the day. The smaller airfields and heliports
are responsible the next random traffic...that of news helicopters and police. The third most active
air traffic is from military bases; Los Angeles Airforce Base, For MacArthur, Navy Reserve Center, U.S. Coast Guard, Army Corp of Engineers, Joint Forces Los Alimitos, and many others. There traffic ranges from military helicopter flying along the 5, 10, 710, 605, and 60 Freeway corridors.

So our sky is full of air traffic and as a double whammy light pollution within the city limits.
In my area, we have a false dawn most of the time due to the Union Pacific Railyard along the 710
freeway. I can only see the brightest of the stars and planets, with the rest of the night sky lost. In contrast, my Wolfbrother used to live the Santa Clarita Valley....still in Los Angeles County...
but you could see a vast difference in their night sky compared to our Metro area. So during the
day planes, blimps, and helicopters are easily seen. Chem and exhaust trails from high altitude
object are also easily noted. At night the familiar lights are also well known to most residents, with the occasional rumble of a plane or helicopter hum. Even odd things such as missile and rocket tests are easily identified...
Also every airport has their own RADAR, including military, as well as each aircraft plotting
flight paths. All aircraft also have a transponder identify them.

Just as a note Police and Traffic helicopters can be 500ft to 1,500ft above the ground, with commercial planes fly at 30,000 to 42,000 feet. Drones however only can fly up to 400ft, and most equipped with GPS sensors are not allowed into restricted airspace (Military, Power Plants, Prison, or Airports).

Given all this how and why would a UFO enter the airspace of major metropolitan area? First of all there are thousand of modern day account 1960 to present of UFO/UAPs over the Los Angeles area. Not only are the CE1 [UFO Sighting] events happening, but you also have hundreds of individuals claiming CE4 [Abduction] events as well. In my personal experience there have been 100+ CE4 events, and maybe around 15+ CE1 events in my lifetime. I have known others who have also had experiences personal, and again....this is happening in the Los Angeles area. This doesn't take into consideration ant reports filed that have been later debunked. MUFON as I know has a case log of reports that they research to rule out satellites, rockets, planets, known air traffic, and known aerial phenomena.
A separate and recent organization known as ENIGMA has also been collecting data world wide. So
if one is interested in the number I suggest you contact your local MUFON chapter or download and join the Enigma App.

Since we are focusing on night time activity here are to common charts that show airplane and helicopter lights. Most aircraft can be identified by the red, green, and white strobe lights affixed at the tail, wings, and/or cockpits. Likewise they have landing lights aka headlamps, that when in direct light of sight can make these aircraft appear as a big ball of light. When they deviate from line of sight, you can usually see the strobe lights again.

Drones are a recent things and their configuration varies from model to model, and they can be customized. Again, these aircraft fly around 400ft. They can also fly in simple and complex group formations. 

So our major question is how are they avoid radar from several monitoring stations throughout the county? How are they avoiding the air traffic, are they redirecting flight paths slightly? I know some fly with lights off, but still..... how and why folks? To many times we don't ask question...and are just spectators with the ooohhhhs and aaahhhs.

So what odd things am I seeing then?
In my experience I have seen white orbs during the day that materialized and then left
at an accelerated speed. It appeared as a perfectly round white balloon.
There has been an encounter where a silver cylinder early in the morning was moving east to west...
just back and forth for three trips and then vanished mid-point.
In the afternoon with a group, witnessed several UAPS. These encounters are repeatable and make no sense...given that they occur in broad daylight over a highly populated area.
Another UFO appeared at night as a large white orb, then turned into a fiery orange orb that went higher into the sky and changed colors from green to red to white to yellow. In the high altitude it remind yellow until it faded.
Yet then it appeared in about half of its original size at the original lower altitude as an orange orb and quickly left into the distance.
Other UFO encounters often appear outside houses I have stayed most cases they remain
dark only when their sensor light is directed at my room. A particular night time UFO encounter
got to close to a power line and lit up as a blue orb and accelerated into the distance.
And there are other series of nighttime encounter where orbs can be seen on the just above the
horizon blinking oddly or way up in the nightsky traveling at odd and random angles.

The daylight repeatable UFO experience was mentioned on this blog post. Sequoia Park is located in Monterey Park over looking the San Gabriel Valley. The area has an history of UAP/UFO that is seen during all hours, and currently a group has a skywatch every last Sunday of the month early afternoon.

Another repeatable event used to be held by Robert Bingham, a self-proclaimed UFO summoner. He has supposedly summoned various at orbs above MacArthur Park, Lincoln Park, Sycamore Grove, and the Eagle Rock area. He is a Los Angeles native who home is in Alhambra.

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