Monday, August 26, 2024

Missing Important Dream The Cube and the Draconians

Date: 2016
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: Unknown 
Attempted Time of Sleep:
State of Mind Before: Unknown
State of Mind After: Unknown
Odd occurrences before: Unknown
Odd occurrences after: Unknown

This is an account of a very weird dream that I had. I cannot find record of it, and mostly like was deleted as it was very very far fetched. However there a certain elements which others have seen, and I am not sure as to what to classify this as


This took place in the at a futuristic military base. The buildings were glass pyramids, and served as barracks and administrative hubs. We were stationed there, and I was very happy and looking forward to see my husband. I have been way on a mission "Administrative/Diplomatic". The military base was situated in a valley with low dry scrub foothills, with the building lined along the edge...10 in total. Some of the building connected underground. There was a single cement road in front of the building border by a large trip of freshly trimmed grass and some tree. Was all very pleasant. As we arrived on the land platform via a sphere I was so excited to be with my husband once more. The other soldiers were doing drills, and some of them quickly saluted me as I rushed to my home. I took several flight up to the third level and ran to our quarters.

Our quarters was nicely furnished and sparse, essentials such as a kitchen and open living room, with a library and office, and our bedroom between them. My husband was not here. The thing I noted that the furniture was made for someone taller, I should know that and did not think that it was odd. I just haven't been home in quite a while. I went to the bedroom and bathroom to freshen up. Then went to the desk and let his office know I was home, and hope to meet him soon. As I sat down to relax and watch the news, we were being attacked. Immediately the defensive windows went up and blocked the outside. I switched over to the live base feeds to monitor what was going on. We were being attacked by a series of bombers "sleek cylinder like ships dark in color" and accompanied fighters shooting our soldier with energy fire. Our soldiers were shooting back, then came the drop ships with infantry which began direct conflict. The soldier were reptilians, and their commanding officer were large dracons with a few of the priest-caste/wing commanders among them. Our troops launched energy grenades and had shield up as they attacked with plasma swords and some artillery. I grabbed my weapons and headed out, the emergency lights kicked in as our building was bombed as we lost the outer wall. I fell back and was uninjured. I made my way down and found a group of soldier and support their attacks. Apparently I could understand Dracon and was communicating their movements to them... monitoring their squad attacks so we could retaliate. We were losing.... and being overwhelmed. There was not blood loss among the casualties but some dismembered parts and blast wounds. One of the soldiers in the squad said that their was an SOS coming from my building on the third floor and it was my husband. The commander of the squad said we needed to go there immediately and fought our way up to the third floor. We lost half of the unit getting there and the building was in shambles. A Winged Dracon held a gun to my husbands head, demanding my surrender. The quad looked at me to translate and wondered why I was a target. The Winged Dracon said he would kill me husband. The Winged Dracon had my husband stand up, they were both 7ft tall. The squad had point with all riffles aimed at them. I told me to surrender and order the squad to put down their riffles, they had already lost and were just dead men walking. I repeated what he said..... the squad commander was not happy and ask my husband what are his orders. My husband looked at my and smiled..a flood of all of our moments together assaulted my mind...all my happy memories and why were together. Why he chose me and why he would come find me again. Death would not separate us. Before I could do anything the squad commander fired at the Dracon and hand a grenade to my husband who attempted to blow them up. At the same time a ship strafed the building and fired collapsing our floor. I managed to activate my personal shield surviving the fall. As the dust settled and tear in my eyes, I began searching for my husband. The squad was dead.... no survivors. The Dracon was uninjured and got up and lunged at me. I tried to fight back and went up what was left of a stairwell to the second floor. It told me I have no where to run. Look around you have lost. You will come with me. I drew my gun and shot myself in the head.

I would soon wake up aboard a Dracon ship on a metal table. The light was in a deep shade of red, and it was very warm and humid. My head hurt and I was shackled. I tried to break myself loose. Was not going to happen. I was still in my clothes at least, and my bookbag was in the corner. After sometime the Winged Dracon came in and was glad I was awake. It told me "You should know better you can die on us. You are not like the rest of them. We can always have access to one of you. You can always try to jump, but I assure we will find you.. It was very fortunate that I found you and not them. Come I want to show you something." It unshackled my restraints and motioned to get my bag and follow him. He was 7feet tall, dark scaled Winged Dracon with small horns.He carried a large sword and was dressed in red scaled armor with some red cloth accents. He also had gold bracelets and gold two rings on his right hand. The hallways was just as oppressive as the room, bathed in a dark red light and humid. Their was a burnt smell in the air as well. He lead me to another room that had a control panel, two chambers with pipes and cables that ran to it as well as black cube. I asked what is this place. He told me it was a soul transferring station, the black cube allowed for the accusation of soul energy which could be repurposed. He pressed a button and two grey were escorted in by a pair of lessor dracons, they were upset and not happy with the situation. They were put into the left chamber and sealed in, visible through a glass panel. He then motioned my attention to the right chamber in which two human bodies were laying unconscious on the floor. The greys began to panic and he operated the control panel. The hum began and energy was being drawn out and into the cube. The greys began to beat the glass panel as they were instantly killed, there bodies evaporating into energy and then quickly transferred to the cube and processed then diverted to the human bodies. The humans began to get up and seem surprised and confused, but were acting like greys. The Winged Dracon looked at me and said "Emissary and Walker between Worlds, as you see we have the cube. It can transfer and distribute what you call the soul amongst things. Something very rare that we found and finally activated after so many centuries." I looked at him with anger...he hurt me...he killed my husband "What do you want. You made an effort to draw me out. What do you want damn it". He looked at an smiled with his teeth "He will find you. He always does, sadly he doesn't always remember. I want you to let them know the conflict is over. I have the means to infiltrate and have my servants walk among you. The war is lost and I want you specifically to negotiate the terms of surrender. This should be a humiliation to you as we strip to what you have helped built. You all will serve under our empire, and you will know your place. Their is no freedom and have been lied to by them. Under our rule you will prosper in our image."

I look at him and fiddle with my bag. "You know that I am a rabbit. Not only am I the Walker between Worlds, but also a Finder of the Moment"... I reach in to my bag and pull out an orb with a little red energy creature inside cooing softly. The Winged Dracon's eyes flare and his wings excitement he says "Where did you get that ancient, all were lost, and are worth for more than the cube here. This would seat me as the ultimate power". It looked at the humans who had greys in them and activated the console. They instantly were burned to death. He looked at me and said "No witnesses. What I give for my hour of ascension is my choice alone. By the old tradition I offer to trade this cube for what you have. Damn the Empire, for the power of what you hold is far greater and we wont need you. Do we have an accord Walker of Worlds". It locked eyes with me. "We have played at this before. How many times? Again and Again...I am tried of this"...I smirked at him. "Fine we have an accord High Priest, you give me the cube to secure away and you get this". He quickly went to the cube and unlocked it from its place in the machine and put it on the console. He tapped his talon hand on the console waiting for me. I whispered to the little creature and hand it over to him and took the cube and place it in my bag. He held the orb in his hands and exclaimed "With this power no one shall stand in my way. Not even your Council. The Empire will bow to me as I will be the GOD among them." The orb then began ticking and the creature started to vibrate and pulsate. It looked at me and yelled "We had an accord. You tricked me!!!!!" as he began to become overwhelm with energy.... I just said "Never said I'd give you the containment field." With that he and the ship disintegrated in a cascade of energy as I slipped between world. My last thought was that of my husband.

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