Sunday, August 25, 2024

Odd Dream of Something to come

Date: 8/23/2024
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:15am
State of Mind Before: Tired
State of Mind After: Me (Tired), Wolfbrother (Confused), Aunt (N/A)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother Seeing things, Unusually sleepy
Odd occurrences after: 8/23/2024 Afternoon Doorbell Aunt Only 8/24/2024 Morning Doorbell Me only. Aunt is seeing worms again.

As mentioned there an incident earlier this month. It has bothered me to the point were I have decided to seek help with Yvonne. I been having some weird dreams, with Wolfbrother confirming some unusual activity. One such instance was our dreams being observed by someone in which we were part of some challenge. We were working together, but I was getting frustrated that he was slowing me and not allowing me to accomplish the task at hand. I was willing st stay with him, but he had to let me do my job and stop questioning me every five minutes. I also got an intrusive thought from "S.G", it is a military guy I met briefly..... he was kinda of in the same boat as me. He wanted me to get a message to Yvonne. I though it really silly as I don't believe in channeling, plus why me? I said we will see and felt bad, as he was worried about his daughters and son, I told him, last I know they moved back to **** and that his wife really didn't want to communicate with Yvonne. If you need to say something go ahead. I do respect you and see you as a professional S.G.

Dream 1
I was at a university of some sort, as many of my past classmates from elementary
to college were present in the background. The odd thing was they were all age appropriate
as young adults. I walked toward an area which seemed to be lounge area with two large
tables and provisions behind me. I sat down and began to read my book and take notes on a
few thoughts I had on vibration levels. A group of male friends (mixed) came to the table
and sat down. They were goofing around and one of them ordered me to prepare them some drinks
and snacks. I got up and began doing so without question because I knew them. As I was
finishing they got up and left, laughing that they got me to do it. I just put some of it down
and went back to my studies.
To my right the other table was occupied by some of the popular girls. White and blonde
haired, no one I knew and were generic "Barbies". Their spokesperson looked at me and said
to the others " He is always so selfless, helping others, caring, and being ever so
thoughtful. He is so powerful and yet he chooses to serve others. It such a shame
that they are so mean to him all the time." At this time I looked directly at her and
she continued addressing her peers "If only they knew who he is, they would dare not
ask or treat him this way." She know stares at me "If only he were with us once more. We
would honor him and appreciate him. We know what he can do. He would have all that he wants
and more. I know you hear us Michael Arellano, MAKE YOUR CHOICE."

Dream 2
I transition to another place that was a department store, but was an administrative
office as with open desk areas. They were many people they were interviewing, looking
for qualified individuals for some project that is fast approaching. The place made me
think of AT&T/Kaiser Permanente. I didn't want to be here and was observing the layout
of the place, looking at the paperwork on the desks, and computer screens. Like everyone
they were processing, they were treating me as if I was an idiot. However, they seemed
just as lost. As she was making a despairing remark about me, I said "I worked her before.
Check my file". My name is *********. She was extremely confused, she said "You shouldn't
be talking". I stated once again "Check my file". These people did not know what they were
doing. The catalogues and forms were all wrong. Once she verified my name and looked at my
file she was in distress. "There is some kind of mistake. YOU....You are not supposed be
here. You know why...... leave now". She was terrified. Meekly she said "We know what you
can do. Just go..."  

Dream 3
I must have got up an left, because I am outside of that department store in a huge parking
lot. No cars. Just the department store behind me and in the corner is a large building like
a bank. Two floors, outer walls were dark glass windows, with a white roof, and cement pillars.
The who area was outlined by green trees and a very pale blue clear sky. I walked to
the building and looked inside. There was an event going on of some sort, and I recognized the
people there as members of CERO. A meeting was being held and they were setting things up.
As people began coming in, many were upset and agitated as they have been "Awakened".
From what I was overhearing many found out they had double lives. Many hold positions in the
the military, academic, and government community. They are confused as why they are civilians
and yet have important positions. Yvonne was be swarmed by many members, trying to get her
attention and looking for answers. As I was standing a man walked into the building who
I did not recognize. He was 6'3, in his thirties, bald, african descent on the dark shade
side. He wore a grey suits, black formal shoes, and wore glasses. He looked like Mr. Moon
from Doctor Who (AI construct that maintained a planet sized library and saved human from
an invasion from a species who did not understand us).
He was a visitor and looked to ask if he was in the right place, but Yvonne was busy. I told
him "Hello. This is a CERO meeting of some sort. I don't know what is going on today. CERO
by the was stands for Close Encounter Research Organization." He looked at me and then looked
at Yvonne who repeated what CERO meant. He seemed to ponder something and asked if the was
about extraterrestrials and UFOs. Yvonne and I replied "Yes". He then went back stage.

I started to take note of the interior of the building. The carpet was a dark navy blue
and had standard auditorium meeting chairs with black leather seating and backing. The
chairs were set up 30 wide with 6 rows, about 180 seats. People were beginning to take
seats and I took a seat by the frot row at the edge. One man, white male in his forties yet
seems older, was really irate.... he was screaming "I did not agree to this. Don't you people
know who I am. Why would I want to some mundane civilian life. I am someone of great
importance. The wife and kids I have are not mine! This life is fake!". Yvonne tries to
address the room and calm him down. "I know everyone has question. If you just settle down
I will share with you in a moment as to what is going on". She looks at the guy and he
begins to calm down as she tells him, "We are going to need your energy" while motioning to
the crowd and focuses on him "and your leadership backstage. You are a part of this. Yet if
you want to leave, go ahead". Yvonne addressing the crowd "I have a video that has some
answers". At that point a screen lowers and a video with Yvonne begins to play explaining
are part in things to come and what is going on with the awakened".

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