Sunday, September 8, 2024

Appealing to Authority and where is my money $$$

Names such as Erich Von Daniken, Linda Moulten Howe, Luis Elizondo, Giorgio Tsoukalos, Travis Taylor, David Wilcock , Dr. John Mack, Richard Dolan, Art Bell, Tom DeLonge, Nick Pope, Jamie Maussan, Dr. Steve Greer, David Paulides, George Noory, Corey Goode, and many others are considered experts in the UFO & UAP Phenomena. They are experts because of their interest, celebrity status and wealth, business ventures, or journalistic reporting into the phenomena. Some of these people holding some level of scientific study and research, and other are just a Master of Ceromonies Hosting a show for our entertainment. The experiencers, contactees, and abductees themselves are left out unless they write a book or start doing the circuit tours of the convention scenes.

Because someone is featured on television, movie, a keynote speaker, on youtube, or has a radio interview doesn't always me they have the answers. Originally many were just sharing their experiences to shed a spotlight on the phenomena, trying to wake the public up that something is happening.  Giorgio Tsoukalos of History Channels "Ancient Aliens" and UFO Magazine,  Jamie Maussan, and  Art Bell and George Noory of AM Radio's Coast to Coast are two examples of individuals who have made a career of interviewing and presenting information related to the UFO phenomena. They are often seen as experts for the numbers of stories people have shared with them. All three have made lots of money with their shows.

Linda Moulten Howe, journalist and author, and David Paulides, former San Jose P.D. and author, are two examples of investigative journalism. Linda is best known for her reporting and research into Cattle Mutation. David is known for cold cases of missing persons originally concerning the National Parks of the U.S.A, but has expanded to other missing persons cold cases in other parts of the U.S.A, Canada, and other parts of the world. They have very specific interests and are reporting on "non-copyrightable" open public information. Cattle Mutilation is reported to local authorities, as it is a financial loss to ranchers with the death of their property. Missing Person reports are also called into the the local authorities. Depending on the severity and status of the case other agencies such as State Trooper, CIA, and FBI might be called in. Like the above mentioned group, their experience and research of the cases make them an expert in the two subjects. David has somewhat more credible with his experience as a former police officer. Both have made their living with books, convention circuits, and interviews.

Dr. Stephen Greer, former Physician, Dr. John Mack, former psychiatrist, and Dr. Travis Taylor, doctorate in Aerospace and Optical Science Engineering, are example of individual who hold scientific degrees and have an interest in Ufology. Dr. Mack dealt with alien abduction and Dr. Taylor has recently researched the technical aspects of the UFO and Para-Military Phenomena. Dr. Greer has transitioned his interests to Contact and Interaction with Alien Entities. As these individuals hold degrees many people listen...but often forget that they have specialized interests. Dr. Taylor I doubt has much to say with Abduction and Dr. Mack would not go into details about wormholes and radio signals. Dr. Greer..... well his interest are sort of outside....but since he has credentials...again he has high influence over a lot of people. Dr. Greer has a lucrative career within the UFO field...and Dr. Taylor is featured on two shows at the moment.

The last group of people are your prophets. authors, and celebrities. These people are here to make a fast buck. The most notable is Tom DeLonge who is attached to the "Academy of Stars Project" Out of the blue this music celebrity was named researcher of the year... and he used his status to bring about a project of music, film, and interactive media around 2018 to get people interested. Corey Goode, writer and producer, Erich Von Daniken, author, and David Wilcock, author, are individuals with a story to tell. They are here to sell their books and entry to their speaking events. There stuff is taken with a grain of salt..... as now the presenter is often the star of their own story. Corey claims he was in a secret NASA program and David deals with spirituality and accession. Because these individuals are celebrities.... their opinions are taken as fact. I see them as entertainment.

All these celebs are sometime held way to up high. David Paulides as an example has collected Missing Persons Cold cases files over the years are presented them as a compelling series of drama books. If there is any truth to them (searching for the Public Record) it is scary. However, on his YouTube channel he claims copyright to the information (hahahahaha) and has complained it is no longer worth making videos since youtube isn't paying out as much. What's worse he doesn't like scrutiny... as he has stated to an extant "If you don't wanna believe...then get out". Dr. Greer is another example of someone who lives in his own bubble.... as he is encouraging contact with entities of an unknown origin. The man sold an app.... with no safety measures with it or who will be contacting you. He is one of these people who believe that contact is with a set one of type of a group of beings that are friendly and curious. They are many others who become calcified in their own bullshit.....seeing that there way is the right way.... where scientific study and analysis on any level goes out the window and becomes a religion. One where you pass the plate to get the good information.... give my youtube channel a tip, donate to my patreon or gofundme, buy my book, join my exclusive members only, and like and subscribe. 

The people who are hurt from all this are the abductee and victims of UFO activity. Cause they are encouraged to try an make a book. As one documentary once said "I believe these people. None of them are getting paid, they come and put themselves out here with outlandish stories that most people would ridicule them for".  How times have changed....because our culture is now one carnival show of "Watch Me Now", "My Followers are in the 100,000s", "Twitter and Facebook", and is a general spectacle...where you should get paid. The more sensational.... the more interest. Then you have the other flipside... or the religious aspects.... of rising your vibrations and becoming one with universe.....I will share the secret for $100 or admission to my super secret group...where you find basic information on yoga, bigfoot, and things that go bump in the night. Another day.... an other grift.

Stopping paying attention to all these snake oil salesman, perhaps listen as somewhere there might be a grain of truth. I always found one on one interaction with people yields better things. If you go to a to people...not the headliners. Look for message boards and communities that hae real people, not influences with their woo woo new age shamanism.

Here is a list of some helpful things in the UFO Community. Its a list of distinct groups and sub-groups:

-Alien Experiences: CE3, CE4, and CE5 individuals, divided among Contactee, Abductee, Experiencee, Starchildren, Animal Mutilation, and Hybids.

-UFO/UAP: CE1 individual who are concerned about the crafts itself and various technology.

-Enthusiast: These are the convention goers and the people who buy merchandise. You can make a lot of money here to making merch.

-Conspiracy Theorists: People who believe that their is a hidden agendas from the government, various religions, and secret societies

-Spiritualist: Individuals who believe in environmentalism, energy vibration, hyper-consciousness, shamanism, psychics, and cosmic awareness.

-Researchers: Scientists, Therapists, Engineers, Historians, Journalists, Influencers, Writers, Film Makers, and others who made this into an occupation and for profit career/gig.

Cryptid Researchers: Mythological and folklore monstrum.

Theorists and Metaphysics: Alternate Dimensions, Anti-gravity, Portals, etc

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