Sunday, September 1, 2024

Faces of Abduction: The Grouping of People in the Phenomena


Back in 2010 I did due a small article on First Contact, discussing the different types of people involved in the UFO and Alien Abduction Phenomena. In that article I did not include the "Scholar" and have modified the term used as "Witness" to "Experiencee".

F "Fanatic": These groups of people are the consumer of the Alien Abduction and UFO phenomena. They are the force that go to conventions, seminars, consume merchandise, and are the target audience for movies and television. They treat researchers and others as celebrities. Finding it all fascinating and usually have a optimistic to neutral outlook to the phenomena. They can also usually come from the Contactee and Excperiencee categories.

A "Abductee": These groups of people have has CE4 experiences, in which they have been physically abductee or have had intrusive contact with unknown entities of origin. They usually have a negative outlook and are looking to find answers to deal with this or number of traumatic events. Many of them find themselves on a journey in learning to cope with the incident. Two sub-types are the Long Term Abductee and the Casual Abductee. The Casual Abductee is a one and done case, in which that have had in incident where something happened. The Long Term Abductee is an individual who has history of experiences and incidents with UFO sightings, missing time, Abduction, and a family history of incidents.

There is a fallacy pushed by some that believe an Abductee is just an initiation to the invitation of contact, where enlightenment can occur. Where we listen to the spiritual message of superior beings who want to usher our world to an awakening to become members of a universal community. These are no misunderstandings or accidents, nor is it an invitations to join a movement...... your outlook may change to cope...but this is unwanted and intrusive contact.

C "Contactee": This group of people go looking for an experience or have had transcendence, CE1 to CE5 experiences. They want and need to believe and see messages in the simplest forms of contact. They often view any experience as positive, as it is a next step to human understanding. They are often the voices that preach social consciousness, cosmic awareness, forms spirituality, psychic phenomena, and environmentalism. They have a very positive outlook.

E "Experiencee": This group of consist of people mainly from CE1 to CE3. They have had a sighting of a UFO or being, or have been in the presence of someone who has had an incident. There outlook is more varied. They just have been part of an unusual experience.

S "Scholar": This last group are the researchers and writers (fictitious or not) who are involved in the fields of Ufology, Folklore, History, Physics, Biological Sciences, and Mental Health. Some are skeptics and tend to be objective, but given the nature of the research.... they sometimes become involved as experiences with craft, entities, and other weird phenomena begins to occur with them. 

In some articles on this blog I do mention from time to time my feeling on Contactees and Fanatics. Fanatics view this as entertainment and tend to have some levels of unhealthy interest in the sense of celebrating and sensationalizing the phenomena. They forget there are REAL people who have been hurt, molested, driven mad, lost everything, and even killed as a result. The original purpose of convention and organization was research and bring a light to a phenomena that was affecting large groups of people. Sadly it has turned into a circus. The Contactees seem to be the most vocal and have a religious fervor to their beliefs... and often our the ones pushing for spiritual ascension and environmentalism. They are very "belief" oriented and tend to want a homogenization of ideas and experiences model in their own systems. To them its is the Abductee who is misinterpreting the experience and is too closed minded to see the greater picture.

I know many us seek out group to try to find answers.... we try groups such as MUFON, conventions, or private group therapy meets, However keep in mind the people your dealing with and the environment you are putting yourself in. Not everything mixes and you need to  feel comfortable and find a place to help bring about your understanding.


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