Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Lost Accounts 02: Petition for Invitation

 This account would happen in 2016 with my wolfbrother. As some may have noticed for a while, there has been a category known as "Dreams". While there are physical abductions, there are a series of one that are described as AE1 and AE2, meaning that there are Lucid Dreams...but are mindscape created by the individual or another.

During this time period, my Wolfbrother was insistent on achieving CE5. We both have been abducted and have had CE1-CE3 encounters. He wanted true interactions and help from these beings. He was trying everything and anything. Since he seemed to have verified myself as a "real" abductee" he thought it was a great opportunity to get in contact as I was "the real deal". We would report anomalous dreams to each other via text as a log. Despite his interest and wanting this experience, he is also very private and jealous of any it is his experience despite may active involvement. This is why it is a lost account.... he forbade me from sharing this, and sadly I change my number quite often, and as many long time readers know...we have had some personal issues.

The AE1/2 begins with us aboard a craft and we are flying through the clouds. It is a small orb "shuttle" room for 4 riders and two operators. We are in seats and I am looking out the orb. The interior of the orb is a weird milky white and like plastic, seats are like contour pods with a red velvet feel. You can see the outside if you want, as there is a semitransparent aspect to the interior wall which allows one to see in or out. At the controls are two greys, beige in color flying us in. They are talking with one another, and know I can hear them. They keep saying "How does he hear us. He is defective. He should not know". I continue to look outside and we are in the sky... it is daytime and blue...and alot of white cloud cover. There is a beautiful blue ocean beneath us  and we are maybe a few hundred feet above as we are flying in. Ahead is a mountainous and lush island, with a beach and cove. There are no visible structures as we fly over. We soon land in a clearing surrounded by evenly spaced and stacked slate rocks and there is low cut grass. The trees are of a tropical like nature. when the door opens the air is not humid, but you can smell the rocks and grass. They walk out and indicate for us to wait. My wolfbrother is in a happy and loopy state. A few minutes pass and they come and release us so we can get out of the chairs. I lookdown at my feet and do not want to look at the greys eyes. I motion to my wolfbrother to give me his hand, as if we are united we can remember and not be overwhelmed. He swats my hand away... angry and says "I am not gay. Quit it", and then resumes his loopy and content state of being. So I follow behind with my head down. We walk only a short distance until there is a group of individuals in front of us.

The greys bow out and walk back to the orb. Before us are two tall Sasquatch one brown hair and one black hair, and Winged Draconian dressed is red plated armor and robes, a second set of greys, and a tall white. I am cofused as to why I am seeing all of this. I immediately supplant myself on the floor, and tug to my wolfbrother to do the same. He is lost in his state and ignores me. In my head I hear a "chuckle" and comment from on of the Sasquatch "You didn't tell me this one knows the old ways". The other comments "Unexpected. Was the dog supposed to come with his master?". The Dracon is irritated and comments for the Sasquatch to use their words and stop keeping secrets, he has more important things to do. The Sasquatch tell my Wolfbrother, "Welcome. We have heard that you wanted to speak with us. This is your opportunity to do so. What is it that you want". They look at him and my wolfbrother is lost in the moment and just giggles. The Sasquatch looks confused. At this point I interject "If I may honorable one, we thank you for seeing us. However I do not know If you realize, but contact with the greys sometimes scrambles our thoughts. My wolfbrother hear seems to be suffering the side affect at this moment". They look at me and are about to communicate when the Dracon interrupts, "Know your place dog. You were not addressed." He looks at me oddly and then to the tall white and the greys. "I know this one. What is he doing here. He was claimed by our long ago. Why is your mark upon him". The tall white and the greys look at him. I keep my face to the grass as best as possible, one of the greys are trying to "zonk" me out by staring. The Dracon and White are having a discussion. The Sasquatch looks at the grey and says "None of that now". The grey looks to the white, but he is pre-occupied with the irritated grey. The Dracon storms off. The White looks at the Sasquatch. "It seems we cannot go any further. You speak the truth and explains why you don't respond. Tell your master dog what has happened. It is funny that a dog can speak so very well. You are a good boy and you know your place well". He pats me on the head and the two Sasquatch walk off. The Tall white summon the other pilots and tells them to take us back, He also wants to know why I was bought along. They communicate "Same-Same". He looks at us.... and looks back at the greys. "Not Same-Same. That one can hear and see, he is defective". I get up and we walk back to the ship and we are taken home. 

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