Friday, September 6, 2024

Mass Experience and Very Weird Stuff

Date: 9/5/2024 and 9/6/2024
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: N/A
Attempted Time of Sleep: 12:00am/2:15am and 12:00am
State of Mind Before: Me (Tired), Wolfbrother (Bothered)
State of Mind After: Me (Bothered), Wolfbrother (Bothered), Aunt (N/A)
Odd occurrences before: Regression Session on 8/30/24, Sensitive Ankles, Darker Than Normal
Odd occurrences after: 9/6/2024 Wolfbrother Intrusive Communication

Yesterday Wolfbrother's father comes for a weekly visit and I retire to our "guest area". My other roommate come home and we eat some food and hag out there watching the Sausage Party series on Amazon Prime and the Lottery movie with John Cena. Around 12:00am we call it quits and I go and preform my duties of getting my Wolfbrother and Aunt ready for bed. We needed to go to sleep since my wolfbrother had a doctor's appointment. I finally relaxed and tried to sleep around 2:15am. Things were just bland and nothing of any interest.

At 4:15am I woke up cause I heard/felt someone outside in the front "communicating". It was two individuals. The communication was voiced in my head "Is he in there or in the house?". I just went back to be since it was hot and I need to get up in a few hours. The crickets sounds were on and that sort of masked things since I concentrated on the crickets to go back to sleep.

An hour later..around 5:15am my Wolfbrother is woken up when he hears a loud bang in the room bear his dad. He doesn't see anything and his dad is asleep. He sense something in the room.... and he texts me that he is spooked by this. Meanwhile my phone is buried under my hat and clothes, so I do not hear anything. At 5:35am... I wake up startled as something hit the shelf behind me. I start looking for my found...can't find and go for the remote to turn on the lights. My thoughts are "I can sense someone is behind the shelf...and not moving". I wait for a few minutes and it fading away. I find my phone and go see my Wolfbrother. He tells me what happen and I let him know of the weird stuff too.

At 6:00am as we are deciding to start the day, and my Wolfbrother points out a weird triangle mark on his chest. My other roommate is sick, throwing up, has vertigo, and chills. He claims it is food poisoning....but I am okay. He is very hearty when it comes to food.....and I try to take care of him. He decides to try to rest and I get supplies for him, and if he feels worse we will go to the emergency. I take my Wolfbrother to his doctors appointment and comeback. He is feeling a bit better and wants to rest. I do some errands and comeback around 1:00pm and take a nap. I note this is very weird..... he never gets sick like that.....and given the unusual things experience by Wolfbrother and myself.... I think they may have taken him. He would not admit it.... even though they have taken before back in 1997.

Around 3:00pm we leave to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice, my roommate is fine as if nothing happened. That was odd as the state he was in...should have lasted a day or two. As we were at the theater... an intrusive communication from "them" is received by my Wolfbrother. They are trying to stir animosity and a fight between us by triggering some thoughts on his end. We talk about it.... and it simmers down before the movie. However it does have an effects were I am very depressed now and is bringing up some of my own issues. We get home and things are relatively normal. We eat some salad and watch TV.  Just to kill time I put on 411 David Paulides on Youtube around 11:00am. We watch one story on a missing person in Lake Arrowhead and my Wolfbrother knocks out. I assume he is tired and just lay there watching the next story, but my ankles feel real weird and I start to feel woozy. For the next two espisodes I am falling in and out of consciousness trying to stay awake cause I wanna play World of Warcfaft why my Wolfbrother is I have no interruptions. I can't take it and when the video switch to a Marvel Comics Recap concerning The Maker, Dr. Doom, and Ironlad....I shut the TV off and tried to just sleep.

The odd thing is, I feel really groggy and its not from the ankles feel weird, and despite the laptop being on with the screensaver....its really dark in the room. I though I saw a black figure by my Wolfsbrother bed...but I am  really sleepy. A weird ringing starts in my ear, and it last for a minute or two I think its like 12:15am before I knock out...

Dream 1

I am outside the house and it is daytime. My roommate who was sick is outside looking at the commotion going next door. Apparently the police are there and have taped off the property and moving boxes out. I tell him "You will get in trouble. It is a crime scene, let them do their job. Plus you can see the stuff from our yard". I see that there are photographs from the 1930s and that the police men say that there are two bodies in the home. Another comes out and says they found several bodies out in the backyard and they are gonna need to call for back up. Apparently the home was a brothel in 1930s... and I am confused cause that is not true. I realize this is a dream and am I walk to the house because I don't want to be here. When I open the door inside I transition.

Dream 1 "Wolfsbrother"

My wolfbrother is in a dark room talking to someone about what he saw the other time and early today. They are trying to convince him that the shadowy thing with big red eyes was not what he saw. It had eyes that were different and.... my Wolfbrother hears my voice... he knows I am about to thrum. Something is wrong. The he hears me thrum and wakes up. He starts t yelling my name to wake me up. The room is dark......

Dream 2

I am sitting in a room in the dark working on my blog. However the computer is off and it is really really dark. I hear my wolfbrother talking to someone. I think he is talking to the nurse provider we saw to day. He is trying to convince him that what he saw was not what he saw. He also asks "So I see you and you Wolfbrother went to bed early tonite. It is good you slept at 9pm. I am surprised I finally got you both together at the same time. What changed? Where has he been? Tell me where he is". I stand up up and say "NO!", despite the darkness I can barely see them ...He tells my Wolfbrother to sit down. He says "You are a hard man to pin down *******. You shouldn't be here and awake, your supposed to be busy outside". I say "***** doesn't make house calls. You are not him. What are you". He starts coming closer to my and begins to reach out. RDE is with me and I hold him in my arms tight. I can see what he is... it is a dark grey "grey". "You really shouldn't be here when I am talking to him *****. You are so much trouble. You need to go back to sleep. You are truly defective. Perhaps there is no saving you". I look at it and begin to thrum. It doesn't like that. I thrum louder. I wake my Wolfbrother up and then he wakes me cause I am Thrumming. The room is really dark...that makes no sense.... my laptop screensaver should be on????? We exchange what happened..... and decided to go to bed. I quickly text myself before I go to sleep.... the urge to fall asleep is strong. He knocks out..... I wonder why I went into such a deep sleep.... I was only asleep for an hour??? Something is not right.

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