Sunday, September 15, 2024

Raising Your Consciousness/Vibrations: The Cold Open

For some odd reason in the UFO community, metaphysical spiritual philosophies have begun to
intertwine discussions on the topic of UFO sightings and Alien Contact. When public interest
first began we where a lot more objective, trying to objectively research the phenomena. Even earlier
investigations into alien contact were a lot more based on reason.....

Then it got weird.... crystals.... psychics.... channelers.... light workers.... environmental
issues.... mushrooms.... astral projection.... and other disciplines of spiritualism. I guess you
could say spiritualism has been involved since the beginning as many often seek to find answers
in GOD or gods. Some of these movements are very well known and also includes independent mediums/channelers such as Darryl Anka who channels and alien consciousness known as Bashar.

 -1930 "I am Temple" by Guy and Edna Ballard in Chicago, Illinois, USA. It is an offshoot of  theosophy and is considered an early part of the New Age Movement.
-1947 the Aetherius Society comes up created by George King, who works with
"Cosmic Masters" that are trying to help with our earthly problems.
-1952 we have Scientology with L Ron Hubbard,
-1953 we have the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays
-1955 Cosmic Fellowship of Worship by William Ferguson
-1974 Raelism by Claude Vorilhon in France
-1975 FIGU (Freie Interessengemeinschaft für Grenz- und Geisteswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien) founded  by Billy Meier in Switzerland
-1977 Ashtar Galactic Command by Thelma Terrill
-1970s Heaven's Gate by Marshall Applewhite
-1980 Fiat Lux by Uriella
-1993 Chen Tao by Hong-Ming Chen

Although these organizations offer fellowship to experiencers and believers, any serious inquiry or research starts to get locked away by cosmic mystery and ascension. You are not ready unless you pay us lots of money or somehow have an epiphany.

One thing they all have in common is the idea of "ascension", "raising your vibrations", and "raising your consciousness". However when asked what this means and how to do so..... there is no one answer or consensus... it is just something you know. Heck even at times the beings communicating this to us don't even understand  as it is supposed to be intuitive. We even overlook something so simple as well, that our sense of direction is not all the same. There is sometimes an inverse relationship to what is said and what happens. A key thing not to misunderstand. We assume everyone reads from left to right, up to down, hot is up and cold is down, and forward direction is always clockwise.... yet we all don't see it that way. Yet how and why to seems if you think too hard on it...then you probably won't achieve it.

One things we should come to first in foremost is an understanding....we can all have different beliefs and  viewpoints, yet when need to have some common ground so we know what this statement means? It is okay to question and ask how, don't blindly follow someone on faith. Ascension should not be faith.... are awareness and understanding grows.... but that doesn't meaning it is a high calling. So lets explore what this means. It it all begins with energy.... and how it works.



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