Monday, September 16, 2024

Raising Your Consciousness/Vibrations: Auras and Colors

 One of the oldest measurement of consciousness is the idea of Auras. It is believed that there are several point in the body known as chakras, that radiate a spectrum of light that is and indication of our consciousness and soul. The aura itself us made up of these seven colors, with some being more dominant than others indicating what path we are on. When presented, there is no indication that one chakra is better than the other. However there is a fallacy based up the color and order that red is low frequency and at he bottom....and that we should attempt to climb to the top of spiritual enlightenment at a higher frequency. We are a mix of these colors in different shades and intensities, and all serve a purpose.

So the question here when we say "Raise Your Vibration"..... are we asking;

-Raising the Intensity of a color?
-Changing the hue of a color?
-Attaining the highest vibrational color, purple?
-Attaining the a balanced spectrum, emitting white light?

As in the chart above, we have some basics on the understanding of auras, but here is an other explanations of the colors.

Darker shades of red can represent stagnant anger and burn out.

Muddier shades represent non-committal or codependent.

Shadow side which comes up as over compensation and perfectionism.

Muddy greens indicate jealousy or insecurity.

Dark shades such as navy and black indicate a need to reconnect to that truth and intuition.


Spiritual*Enlightened*Divinely Connected

So it seems that there is no better color....and we have a hint that we need to strive for balance. Aiming for the entire spectrum represented as "White" light. Is that what is desired? Why are we striving for homogeneity? Can we not also find ascension based upon intensity of specializing in one color? I mean by looking at the characteristics.... Green is closer to is a Vibrant Green Energy equal to White?  Then there is a duality in the color between brighter hues and darker ones, indicating there is negative traits associated with colors.

RED                  RED                RED  

Why is there a subdivision here? Why is this undesirable to be a darker shade? 


Personally for myself I did have the have some Kirlian Photography done, and I strongly emit Blue and Green, with slightly muted Red.  

Interesting enough....the color lights have an effect on our biology well as activating certain chemical effects. It is easy to forget that light is a vibration that can translate to sound and be measured in wavelengths. Here of some examples of its properties.

Red has a wavelength of 630nm to 700nm or around 400Thz as the C note, and can shrink the pours in the skin used in anti-aging and regenerative skin care.

Orange has a wavelength of 590nm to 630nm or around 480Thz as the G note, and can increase cellular energy, revitalizing cellular tissue

Yellow has a wavelength of 570nm to 600nm or around 510Thz as the D note, and improves sensitive skin and is considered soothing and detoxifying.

Green has a wavelength of 490nm to 520nm or around 430Thz as the A note, and remove redness in the skin and is calming and harmonizing.

Blue has a wavelength of 430nm to 450nm or around 620Thz as the F# note, and removes acne marks and helps clear things. However blue light does accelerates macular degeneration

Purple has a wavelength of 360nm to 420nm or 670Thz as the F sharp note, and remove spots on the skin is cleansing and restorative. Close to the UV spectrum. In microorganisms UV light is harmful.

White's wavelength from 400-nm to 700nm is used as a mood enhancer and can tighten skin care.

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