Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Raising Your Consciousness/Vibrations: Psychedelics

One other avenue of raising your consciousness and vibrations might involves chemically altering the way your sense operate by ingesting certain substances known as psychedelics. This can cause changes in vision, hearing, and perception and can alter certain key chemicals in ones brain as well. Such practices are rooted in ancient tradition across the world as well in our modern day society. Most practices where kept in the confines of spiritual enlightenment, allowing you to contact the spirit world or guides. More recent adventures into these substances are for recreational escape our world and have fun...or to contact other entities.

So what are psychedelics? Psychedelic drugs are a group of substances that change or enhance sensory perceptions, thought processes, and energy levels. Some of the most well known are:

-LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) is made from a substance found in ergot, which is a fungus that infects rye.
-Psilocybin is a naturally occurring substance found in mushrooms and is found in many parts of the world as in mushrooms.
-Mescaline is derived from the Mexican peyote and San Pedro cactus and produces similar effects to LSD.
-DMT (Diemethyltryptamine) is structurally similar to psilocin, an alkaloid found in psilocybin mushrooms. It can be synthesised in the laboratory but is also a naturally occurring component of several plants.
-2C-B (4-Bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine) is a psychedelic drug first synthesised in 1974. 2C-B is considered both a psychedelic and a mild entactogenic. ‘Entactogen’ means ‘touching within’ and is a term used by psychiatrists to classify MDMA and related drugs.6
-Peyote (Lophophora williamsii) is the most well-known and potent psychedelic cactus, although the smallest and slowest growing. Instead of growing upward to form a column, it grows as ‘buttons’ low to the ground. It has been used by Native Americans for over 5000 years.5
-25[-x]-NBOMe (N-methoxybenzyl) is the name for a series of drugs that have psychedelics effects. Reports indicate that there are a number of different versions of NBOMe available – all with differing effects.
-Ayahuasca a brew made from Banisteriopsis caapi vine and Psychotria viridis plant.

Now taking a psychedelic can definitely alter our perception of reality, yet these states can also be achieved with lights and sounds. If one read up on the Vedic study of auras, there is a sound component that goes with each color, and these frequencies can help you enter an altered state while meditating. Lights are usually used to help release neural transmitters, with rhythmic or specific colored lights. If one learns t meditate and use these techniques they self induce the experiences people claim to have when ingesting these substance. Our bodies also has DMT in very minute amounts, and when spiked can produce a trip. 

This video is a good representation on the physical effects of psychedelics on the visual front. Most seem to say that the rods and cones starting to function differently, pupils become dilated,  and the cornea loosens. Here is a quick time stamps to go to a specific phase of a trip

0:00 Moderate Visuals
1:32 Scary
3:06 Moderate Visuals
4:04 Peak
4:50 Moderate Visuals
7:00 Tracers
7:14 Moderate Visuals


0:00 The 5 Levels of the psychedelic experience (Stages of spiritual consciousness)
1:38 LEVEL 1 Subtle (dipping your toes)
3:03 Level 2 Mild (Submerging in the water)
5:05 Level 3 Moderate (Snorkling)
10:12 Level 4 Strong (Scuba Diving)
15:15 Level 5 Blast Off (Alien emoji)

 What is most intriguing when we start to look at how we can be so easily manipulated, it can cause us to question our shared reality. How does our brains interact with one an other and we create this shared universe. Ever living being and object is a creation of its own existence somehow... and we see reflection of what we perceive it to be. It is amazing that we can agree mostly what reality is, but a few of us see a lot more. For example our human eyes see a small portion of the visible light spectrum, while others animals have a greater capability at seeing and identifying gradations of hues and intensities, some into the UV spectrum. Other animals have a greater sense of smell or hearing as well, shaping their perception of the universe.

What is intriguing is our universe seems to have layers or realities to eat...based upon our ability to perceive. There may be entities and creature invisible to us because we cannot see or hear them, and likewise might be out of reach as well. If their vibration is out of sync with this possible to make contact? How do non-sentient object fall into shaping reality then? Rocks, Pens, Dead does their interaction with the universe affect reality.

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