Thursday, September 19, 2024

Ankles and Wrists markings

Date: Early August and Early September 2024
Type: CE3
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: Unknown
Attempted Time of Sleep: Unknown
State of Mind Before: Tired
State of Mind After: Me (Tired)
Odd occurrences before: CE4 incidents and CPTSD
Odd occurrences after: CPTSD
Now my body is marked up, and I don't have the Hollywood complexion of being blemish free. I do know that I may have some health conditions that may explain some off marks on my body or persistent wounds, I do take into consideration insect bites, and other accidents....but there are some things that defy some skeptical inquiries. I personally don't like sharing the marks cause you usually get complaints of photo clarity (sorry...but my hand can be shaky and even our smartphones sometime don't know where to concentrate the focus on). Also depending on how the light hits...there are some things they just don't show up on camera. Unless its an obvious branding or incision... mist people cry fake or go see a doctor (most general doctors/physicians are incompetent now a days and tell you to go to urgent care or the emergency. If not they will refer you... and the way the system goes this can take sometime they disappear before a "professional" can look at them) .


Ankle anomalies. Now back in the early 2000s before my insurance with Kaiser Permanente ran out, I was suffering from a slip disk within my spine. I was in my mid twenties and they decided to do an MRI to see how badly this was.The usually checks before going into an MRI is if you have and metal debris or electronic objects in your body that would interfere with the scanning, as they may heat up or if near the surface be yanked out. To my knowledge nothing "usual" was ever done.....but my CE-4 experience have had implants put in me and other various surgeries. During the MRI I felt discomfort and heat from my lower shin just above the ankle. According to the operator there was an anomalous object where it I felt the discomfort and I got scolded for saying there was nothing. I told him as to my knowledge.....there is nothing there. He examined my leg and noted there was no scar tissue from a surgery or wound that could explain what was in my leg. He joked it must be an alien implant.... I didn't laugh.
Since then my ankles have been odd as when they come, if my ankles are crossed or to close together I feel a weird tingle throughout my body. As if two magnets are together. I thought is was a pressure point issue, but it makes me wonky in the head when they are near. What is worse in some of the more physical CE4 incidents they often have grabbed me by my ankles, clasping them together and dragging me out. Some marks have healed and their are some that are scars....most I tend to rationalize it always as pore shrinkage or follicle damage of some sort with aging. Perhaps it is a cardio vascular thing, and believe me I tend to explain this away as something mundane and understood by the medical field some how. I don't want this to be "real" as it mean that "Yes, that abduction did occur last night.... you were not dreaming.... sucks to be you hahahahahaha".
For the longest time I was label them as spider bites..... as they often appear in a series of two...but that would mean there is one huge spider hiding in my house!!!! Or perhaps the spider was smart enough to follow a vein just far enough away.... yeah that has to be it..... or when they appear in pairs or triangles with an equal distance from each other.... yeah spiders...cause they make mathematical webs... so why not triangle like injection marks of three dots....
The second type of marks are the depressions and permanent bruise discoloration. The scoop parks are usually on my legs....bit can be found on both side of my ankles and shins. I try to explain the finger size bruising as cardiovascular issues....but I doubt that. 

Just below the wrist between my thumb and forefinger is another place I find marks.Usually these are very very subtle and I only notice when the cause pain and then I see them. Again I try to rationalize them away as a bug bite.....a reaction to the venom introduced to my skin that created an ulcer. No some I have accidentally scratched over because it hurts, as it was irritating my skin.I checked before I scratch or rub, washing to see what is causing the off feeling. Some of them look like puncture marks and other are pinpoint burns. I don't know, but they show up after a CE4-2 and CE4-4 events.

I only have one story of an implant in my left hand when i was around three or four that occurs after my initial known memory in the late 1970s. This was a daylight incident in which I disappeared at the Santa Fe Dam in Irwindale, CA. One moment I was in the park with plenty of people....then nobody around and complete quiet. Only to comeback being yelled at that I was gone for three hours and that my left hand hurt. My paternal parent noted my left hand had a welt... no entry point for a splinter or cut...but there was a mass under it. He took out his pocket knife and cut me and a shard of clear class came out and he threw it away. 

"Yes, the aliens were here.... you were not dreaming.... sucks to be you hahahahahaha".

People don't realize how isolating this can be..... or the mental and emotional toll it can take. Most involved in the field are a bag'em and tag'em one and done things. They have a singular or few CE1, CE3, and CE4. Sometimes its minor and most its a major incident....but that's it. They ain't coming back and you get to live your life normally. Myself and other well..its something we have to live with.... it limits our personal relationships and even interferes with our professional work. 

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