Friday, September 20, 2024

Second City: Dog and Dogs

Date: 9/18/2024
Type: CE4-5
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 3:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:00pm
State of Mind Before: Tired
State of Mind After: Me (Tired), Wolfbrother (N/A), Aunt (N/A)
Odd occurrences before: CE3 with Aunt Two Beings around 3:00am, Full Moon
Odd occurrences after: Wolfbrother seeing energy being at 1:00pm

This past week is been busy. I been trying to provide for my wolbrother with his need, renovating my home, and trying to help another friend with his issues. I been very tired and been burning the candle at both ends. I been preoccupied with things, and no... I am not writing the blog every day. I get bursts of ideas and just make sure they are posted once a day. Sometimes I write like five at once.... yeah I am sort of crazy like that....especially in bouts of insomnia.... they just flow.

This is a recent Second City is odd that it keeps going. Apparently it take place in the Santa Monica/Long Beach mentioned the coast is rather harsh so the residential and commercial community is located on the upper mountains were there is no threat from the rising tides. It is just subject to fog, storms, and high winds....habitable if you like grey and gloomy weather.

Real Life: 3:00am in Aunt's Bed Room

Two beings, grey enter her bedroom and stare at her. They look at her for what she thinks is five minutes and then they exit.

Dream 1

I am at home doing some chores. My friend Mary ask if I want to have lunch. She asks me what wrong, and I let her know there has been a weird couple of days in which I loose track of time. I am worried that something is happening again. She says it is probably because I haven't been keeping a 9 to 5 and perhaps I should consider going back to work. I know why I am probably having time lapses..... but she won't hear me out. I am content staying at home, but I do need the money. She lets me know that there are openings again, and perhaps I should contact Sarah.

A few weeks go by and I sent my resume and they asked me to come by. Unlike before the offices are not in Alhambra or Pasadena. This one is in downtown or Glendale, a very fancy office building. I met the staff in which there are all male ranging in ages from 20s to 50s. There is an open work environment with long tables, each person has a sections. The walls are onyx marble, the tables are white acrylic. The computer monitors are built into the table with a holographic heads up display. As U am being shown around the office, I see that every comfort is offered here. Plenty of snacks, great environment, all in all a good atmosphere. I ask what they do in this department.....and they joke what "don't they do" and mention my "time as an archivist" should give me an advantage since I have seen and held so very advanced stuff. I feel uncomfortable as they mention that since I am really not supposed to be talking about that job. I just nod. They have some great dark chocolate and hot chocolate. Sarah walks by and introduces me to my manager who I will be working with... he is an older gentleman with grey hair and thin mustache. He seems happy to have me aboard. He mentions that he has been anxious to work with me.... and hope I can make some progress on some of their projects. They show me where my desk is and I start working. I am under the impression that I worked well for a couple of weeks.....but when I come back from the break room...people are surprised I am here. I ask what wrong and no on answers me. I go to my manager, who seems to have been demoted...and he sadly asks "How did you get in here again". I look at him confused.... "I just went to get some hot chocolate". He sighs and calls security. I look where my desk is an it has been cleared. 

...but when I come back from the break room...people are surprised I am here. I ask what wrong and no on answers me. I go to my manager, who seems to have been demoted...and he is surprised and asks "This is impossible. How did you get in here again". I look at him confused.... "I just went to get some hot chocolate". I look where my desk is and someone else is there. I look at him again and ask "We had this conversation. What is going on?". One of my other co-workers says that after a few weeks I started to disappear for a couple of hours at work...then days. Eventually when i was a no show I was let go. Every time I showed was the same...I was dressed the same for work and would come out of the breakroom. I never signed in at one saw me enter or leave.... I just appeared. I would be escorted off property....but I would disappear. Apparently I never went home either which made people worry. My manager looks back and has called the director and security. I tell them "Look this is missing time. I am being taken and my mind is being messed with. I need help. Do not let me go. If I step out there.....they will get me". Some of the employees laugh and others seem to know the truth. Security shows up..... and then a lady comes down from upper management. She says "Don't take him yet. Seems you are aware Michael off what is going on". She looks at everyone else "None of you have caught on yet? He is the real deal...... why do you think he was hired here. Not only is he a brilliant mind, but he is off interest to them....and obviously they don't like him sharing information. They have gone as far to come here..... and for some reason Michael here......keeps running back here..trying to put in place what he forgot. Interesting." (The lady is someone I dislike in CERO... the Influencer chic) Management and Security are awaiting her directions. She looks at me "What do you most desire?"

Dream 2

They called somebody. Police were confused. Restraining Order. Police don't understand why the company is acting this way. There is no evidence to support their claims. They think I need help. Clearly something is wrong mentally with me. I am out of it and in a daze. They tried doing something to me, in observation mode. A phone call is made, an old women I recognize picks me up and we drive to a house in Santa Monica. It is windy with grey skies, I feel happy and safe. It starts to rain. I go in and she leads me upstairs and puts me to bed. She says Thomas will be happy to see me. I am in and out of it, someone is holding me every once in a while. I missed him. This goes on for a few days....until suddenly I am aware of my surroundings. I am in their living room and they are watching TV. I have a notebook in my hand as was sketching. I look at it and notice it a perfect sketch marks or erasing.... it looks like a landscape of desert plateaus. "Ma!! Thomas boyfriend is awake. I think he is here now". I quickly look around the loving room. The guy who spoke is Thomas' brother....Jake? He is watching TV as the fireplace is roaring. The living room is painted red, wood floor with some carpeting. Their is an elks head and a few book cases. I have a blanket around me. There are several sketchbooks around me. The old lady, Thomas' grandmother comes and looks at me. "It is automatic writing, drawing in this case. You and Thomas do that from time to time....but you have been doing this nonstop for a few days. Are you hungry. There is some soup". I nod and we go to the kitchen table. I can hear the rain outside. The dining room is painted yellow, there is a clock on the, a cabinet of fine china, lace on the table cloth, smells old. She serves me some soup and tea. It chicken broth and black tea, some bread. Jake is talking to his dad in the living room. Jake's father tells him "Look I got my son back cause of him, and he is by extension my boy too. When he and Thomas are together..... they are whole. Don't ask me why. I don't know how they found each other.... but they need to stay together".  The grandmother add "Geke and Freke, Hati and Skoll, Vali and Vani.... there is always that pair. Thomas and Michael are such.". I remember who Thomas is and I am very sad. We were together...then he disappeared and I found him. He didn't want to see me again because he was so afraid..... he saw what I know.... he saw them. I get up and I walk out the front door. I have my phone...... I call my aunt to pick me up. She says I need to stay with Thomas's family for a while. I sit there on the curb waiting for her. She comes by and drops off my bag of clothes and some stuff....along with a little dog. A dog again???? I look across the street, Thomas's grandmother was watching me. I leave my sketchbook out side and walk to her. She shows me a dog too and asks me to come back in. Thomas should be back soon....I go back in because I know I will be happy.

Back story...... Thomas was a guy I date in the Second City. He is a tall guy around 6'8", 160lbs, white Caucasian , and black hair. He didn't believe me about the aliens. One night he saw them and they took him. They made him forget and I helped his family find him. He didn't want anything to do with me after that.... he suffered from some missing time episodes for a while.... but things got back to normal for him. Since he didn't want to talk to me I had moved on.

Real Life: Wolfbrother's Room 1:00pm

As I was cleaning.... the door to the bathroom opened. A small energy being walked out and ran to the hallway and back to the room. Then back to the hallway....and back into the bathroom. My wolfbrother saw this while I was cleaning and dealing with renovations.


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