Sunday, September 22, 2024

Raising Your Consciousness/Vibrations: Magnetic Field and Crystals

Now most people do not realize that crystals are not just metaphysical nonsense. Crystals are found in a variety of technologies from laser, radio, TVs, circuits, and a number of other things. Not only do they facilitate the transmission of electricity, but also vibrate with frequencies, and can change the wavelengths of light. There are so many uses for crystals that we forget we use them all around us. We also forget that metals are also crystals that exhibit their own properties.

Quartz are the most common crystals used, due to is durability. Our measurement of Hertz is based upon the quartz crystal. Other crystal commonly used are Rochelle Salt and Tourmaline, and this is because of their properties in translating electricity into stable vibrations. Usually are early understanding was based upon the natural crystals and the various cuts we shape them into. Polishing, faceting, and sizing them all produce different results when energy is added to them. Not only in their ability to vibrate or refract light, but also from some chemical reaction when we start talking expose to differing frequencies of of light. Some crystal behave very differently in UV light and some react to x-rays, often illuminating themselves.  Over the past few decades however, we have lab grown crystals which provide an amazing variety enhanced properties and some new ones. Yttrium Aluminum Garnets and Beta Barium Borate are two example of synthetic crystals used in laser technologies.

In our universe we have a classic understanding that there are fleshy animals, the plants, and the elements which are minerals. Everything is made of energy, a combination of atomic particles that make up basic elements, which form larger molecular structure, which start to form our visible universe. Like computer programs....everything we see is coded in massive strand of combination of atomic particles.

So as we have a basic introduction to crystals..... how does this increase our personal vibration or energy? There is a whole study of metaphysical research into crystals dating back centuries. Various cultures have catalogued their uses and properties in various rituals. Some of them are protective in warding off negative energy (bad luck, evil intent, cleansing bad vibes), others heal, other enhance our latent psychic abilities, and some help us communicate with other entities we normal cannot detect. There are some great books which catalogue various crystals, and speak not only of their metaphysical functions...but their make up, crystalline structures, and vibrational frequency. Yet how do we use them!!!!!

Many claim just having them in your presence will yield their beneficial properties. As energy transmitters, they will react to your environment and help regulate the energy flow in the vicinity. This can create an area of stability and peace or help increase your psychic potential. It can get even more complicated when you start to combine various crystal in a matrix formation......this starts to go into scared geometry and known as Platonic Solids. Ironically sound wave research circles back to sacred geometry itself!

So to use a can empower it yourself with either your thoughts or bio-rhythmic energy. By charging the crystal or crystals you begin to create a sympathetic or direct link. By utilizing the crystal as a transmitter or oscillator, you can change your energy and manifest said properties. In this sense you are regulate your personal energy to be in-tune with other frequencies, perhaps allow you to become more aware of other subtle energies around you. Don't forget we have tiny crystal in our own ears that help us hear certain frequencies... so this is just a natural extension! Since we are playing with energy in this case we are walking into the area of the electro-magntic field......yet don't forget.... crystal can be activated by sonic vibrations, and those vibrations can translate to energy. Also our thought energy can be influenced as well supposedly.

As said a lot of research has gone into this, and one of them is the understanding Orgone Energy. This passive effect is set up with a crystal matrix usually situated in a pyramid structure (cone or faceted) and sometimes incorporates gold/silver/copper elements into it to enhance it's effects. Dr. Wilhelm Reich pioneered much of the research into this.    

Now this is where we look at are larger macro-universe the electromagnetic spectrum. Our Sun is the closest object that is emitting a constant flow of radiant energy......not only as light and heat....but a magnetic pulse. This pulse reacts with our planets and everything in its path which pings a magnetic field creating a magnetotelliroic signature...known as the Schumann Frequency. Based upon the elemental make up of our planet..we have a unique frequency. When we get to the smaller scale, we can use the same charge pulse to identify deposits of metal and crystals found within the earth. Our earth vibrates at 7.83Hz, 14.3Hz, 20.8Hz, 27.3Hz, and 30.8Hz..... where the universe hums at 160.23 Ghz. These fields can affect our behaviors and body

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