Friday, June 25, 2010

Odd Incident

Date: June 25th, 2010
Type: Unknown
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 8:30 pm, 2:30 am and 4:00 am
Attempted Time of Sleep: Normal
State of Mind Before: Puzzled.
State of Mind After: Puzzled.
Odd occurrences before: Bed shaking and Odd Rumbling
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Mental flashes from previous 3 days

For the past three nights I been have mental flashes of "them" walking around or peering out of the corners from behind stuff. I've been ignoring these images and just considering them as nothing.

However last night when I attempted to go to bed early the bed started shaking. Immediately i thought it was a very slight earthquake, but the vibration continued for a minute and a half. The wind chimes I had were slightly moving so i got up and noticed that there was a rumbling sound which I figured to be a truck. Thinking nothing more since it was the evening I went to sleep.
I awoke around 2am because my doggy was knocking at the door. I went out and did my usual routine of putting my aunt was in bed and then going back to sleep. Nothing unusual.

However instead of going to sleep I got up and decided to take a shower. When I finished I was ready to go back to sleep. I looked at the clock and it till showed 2am. Yes as you can tell already something is wrong. I woke up and put my aunt to bed and when I left her room it should have been 2:20am, then taking a shower and coming back to bed it should have been 2:45 at least.
I really didn't think much of it cause I figured and just did ever thing fast... and decided to go to sleep and was very calm.

I woke up several times after I went to sleep. The first time it was all bluish light in my room and I wasn't able to move. I had the feeling of somethings walking around the room. It seems they were confused on how to remove me. Second time I woke up everything was normal, I tried looking at the clock and could barely see it. When I tried looking at the numbers it was all hazy and it was reading with all the digitals displays on. Someone was trying to ask several questions of me but I was being unresponsive and just thinking "go away". I feel asleep again. I woke up and this time I was able to move because I managed to throw my pillows out. I got up and looked around (my fan was missing from my room) and it seemed to be early morning outside. I went and walked to my door and opened it and it lead to a white corridor. I closed the door.
Went back to my bed and looked at the clock.... it said 4am. I woke up again on my bed....uncovered with the fan going as normal. I was very very cold.... it turned around and looked at the clock.... it said 4am again....confused I just went back to sleep.

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