Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Odd Occurance

Date: January 10, 2012
Type: None
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incidents: 12:44am and 3:23am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 8:00pm
State of Mind Before: Stress, Physically Exhausted
State of Mind After: Confused
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None
Odd occurrences after: None
Possible Influential Factors: "Insidious Movie", Work Stress, Personal Stress, Memories

As from my blogs I have indicated that events have basically tapered off and things are quiet. Over the weekend though I watched the movie Insidious and thought about a topic for the Blog. So far been having a normal day except for personal and work-related stresses. Yesterday was just exhausted and went to be very early and did not do my usual precautions before I sleep. My sleep was sort of fitful.

Around 12:44am I woke up startled. I don't know why but I looked at the clock and just tried to go back to sleep. As I was going to sleep I started going over a conversation in my head. I was being asked about a friend I recently became acquainted with. I was being asked, who he was, where he lived, what did the house look like, how many rooms, what was the layout of the house, the occupants, their family history, etc...which I seemed to just responded with.

Around 3:23am I woke up again. This time "I remember" going into my aunt's room and asking. "Did Anything happen?" She replied "No. Why?". I said, "They are back, but I can't remember anything... and began to cry. I was a little confused by this, but didn't seem to care and went back to sleep.

 However at 6:00am I woke up and was like "What the????" Remembering I woke up at 12:44 and 3:23.
 I felt unnerved, but stayed in my bed thinking about the stress at work and in my personal life... which lasted until 7:15am. As usual I asked my aunt if anything odd occurred and she said no.

So what was this? An odd series of dreams or something new that is being used on me?

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