Monday, October 15, 2012

A Question of Sanity.

I have bought up this topic before, both from a personal perspective and as a motion of awareness of a serious part of the Alien Abduction Experience and UFO Phenomena. One of the reasons why I am bring this up is because personally, do to circumstances in my life I had a falling out with someone. This individual who accompanied to a MUFON meeting, believed he had his own experience. However, he claims it was just nightmares.... and that my experiences likewise must be a delusion. During the entire experience, we both were leery of the type of people we would encounter. He initially viewed the entire topic with a healthy dose of skepticism.Yet we did agree upon that with suitable technology that crafts could travel between the stars. As to the speculation surrounding the operators of the craft, we left that up for discussion. Although they did agree to the probability of life elsewhere in the universe as well. However, as he was upset....
he said some things which I believe are untrue about me....yet it gave me pause to re-examine things.
Sadly he was not the only one to tell me this. Another individual who I knew told me this to my face, that I was crazy and needed medical help.

In another instance, my two only friends have also questioned things. One has told me that other people thinking I am seriously mental and that I should be on meds (only cause I claim to have been abducted in their words). My other friend who experienced with me has let it go, something happened but he know what not and lets it go at that. He seems bothered by the whole thing. Sadly, the only other living witness I have I doubt her sometimes as well. The only reason she has any credibility it because of the way I correlate my experience with her own. If it wasn't for that...I would doubt her as well.

Although there are many of us who experience this phenomena, we are all isolated. The biggest things I have noticed that many of us feel alone and isolated. Many of us feel we do not belong, either because of the fear of ridicule or rejection. What is worse that among those who experience this phenomena we are further splintered into various groups as there are more than one type beings conduction these abductions, then it is further split into those that believe these are beings are either benign or malign, and that they are special and not victims. This isolation further comes down on you as you begin to question your own sanity. In the sense of what is wrong with me?.

Stress from these encounters can leave people deeply saddened our depressed. It manifest from the fact that you have no control....there is no way to stop them from disrupting you life. Further there is nothing you can do from threatening your family and loved ones. Those of us who have any romantic relationship know that it is threatened by this. Those of that are caregivers for children or elderly know that they jeopardize the ones they love. Its just not the concerning for ourselves, but the concern for others and how we relate to them.
What is worse is again that isolation....leading to sadness on how other will relate to us.

Again this deal with the fact that many feel powerless and threatened. Ultimately the choices come down to this....find a way to cope and live with it.or end it all. It does not always mean death, and abandonment of friends, society, and work occur as well. Sometimes it is just better to walk away... than explain what is really happening and to deal with the ridicule and downright question  of your sanity. The experiences can push you to the edge, especially when you are terrorized by the mere fact of going to sleep. You can't fight... the only thing to do is run and run. My personal belief is that no one should be forced to live. I know there is legal liability of some sorts, but seriously you have a right to settle things in your own way when life becomes a certain way.

You begin to question your own sanity. At first it is just little things dealing with anxiety and depression, then it deals with hallucination and night terrors. You are told something is "WRONG" with you. That you need treatment, that by taking medications that would leave you vulnerable and malleable is the answer. This begins to affect how you function with society any many levels. Sometimes things are so bad you can't actually function..many succumb to treatments or take a path into alcoholism or drug addiction.

The things is there is nothing wrong with you. Perhaps individual have develop some issues, but anyone who has been physical abducted would too. It is reasonable. After an experience like that any sane person would be traumatized to some level. Plus it is healthy to question things. Our senses can so easily be fooled, and a sane person questions this. It is just a tough rode ahead. Of course since we are all human, we may have actual disorder cause by everyday life or personality issues.

My point in all this Is that I know I am not insane. I know that I am comfortable with who I am.
I am amazed that I am a resilient person who has dealt with this issue. I feel so alone at times and broken...I pull through. I am rationale and I hope I tend to look at things rationally and reasonably. I know my faults, my failures, what issues I do have. I am not crazy nor do I need.medication. However I am alone......

I just hope that I can leave some knowledge that may help others out there. I know there are people hurting and looking for answers. There are so many out there that are dealing with this issue and are scarred.
Just know, that you are not crazy. Remain vigilant and aware, use logic and reason, and when that fails you...use commonsense and faith if any.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Conclave27,

    People who are having trouble accepting the high strangeness of what's happened to them sometimes deny. And, they'll deny what's happened to you.

    The other people cannot relate and react with ignorant, hurtful statements questioning your mental health, physical health ect.

    I think you're doing very well - working, taking care of your aunt and yourself, keeping your home running ect. That doesn't sound like a mentally ill person in my experience.

    As you get older, the abductions will dramatically lessen. At least that has been my experience, especially after you go through menopause.

    ~ Susan
