Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shadow People

Shadow People

The topic has been brought up over the past decades a multitude of times. It has been discussed on popular radio shows, reality television, and documentaries that research the paranormal. No one really knows what they are and have various theories as to what they could be... ranging from aliens, ghost, demons, and inter-dimensional beings. Other even claim and look to folklore and point out that they have some connections to beings who wield magic. In the end, they cause more confusion on pin pointing what they are than explaining them.

No first of all what we come to refer as Shadow People is a phenomena in which a dark mass is scene by individual. It can take the shape and form of a human, animal, or amorphous form. It can range from opaque to solid and has some possible tangibility to it. Those beings that have had physical contact with such beings describe a cold sensation. They also seem to be able to move rather quickly and fade from site or into solid matter.

Shadow People for one have been sighted for centuries, if not for thousands of years. It is not a new phenomena. In this context the animated shadows were thought of as ghost or spirits. These were shadowy beings of the underworld, and in fact around 1610 "Shade" was used to refer to a ghost. Such descriptions of ghosts or sprints often appeared as some type of shadow, besides as an apparition, whispy mist, or light..
In this context a Shadow Person is nothing more than a type of ghost, one that interacts with the enviroment and is intelligent.

However, most people think of a haunt or a ghost as an apparition, a creature that is doomed to re-enact that last most of it emotionally charged state, and have some preconception of what a ghost is. Because Shadow People are more interactive, they often dismiss them as ghosts and instead believe that they are dimensional entities or spirits that are visiting the world. Yet, the majority of these sighting occur at places where there is per-existing paranormal activity? Why would these beings, if such hang out in an abandoned building or basement? Why would they haunt a locale? Dimensional travelers, even if limited to a local, would think to have better venue choices or ways to explore that exceed their limitations. Instead they hang around the same place for centuries???

The last theory I would put out is that these beings are some type of alien entity. Yes, we have done research in making an scientific invisible suit that refracts light around a user. We know light can be bent. We also know that we can be manipulated to see nothing, and perhaps that is why we are seeing a Shadow Person.
Because we are told we are seeing nothing, it can be a mental suggestion in which we are made to see nothing. So technology can both implant a suggestion as well as manipulate light to create a specific area of darkness, that these beings might use.

So in the end, my conclusion is that the vast majority of reports would indicate that it is spirtual in nature, and conforms itself to the entity of which we call a ghost or spirit. Just becuase it is more dynamic and interactive, doesn't mean it is not a ghost. We have already seen and heard about ghosts and haunts be interactive, that some are aware of living a presence and can react with them.

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