Monday, August 26, 2013

Abnormal for an Abductee???

Reading through various post of other peoples experiences sometimes make me feel a pariah among most.
I do not know if it is because I am a Frequent Generational Abductee, I am a just different, or the faction/group abducting me has their own specific agenda. These common shared traits that many are experiences are things I do not share:

-Compulsion to Becoma A Vegetraian
-Cosmic Awarness
-Lower than Normal Body Temperature
-Sense of a Mission

Many people seem to believe that they have experience some sort of cosmic enlightenment. That these beings are friendly and are here as guide. They start to almost come to a greater spiritual awakening and new respect for all life. They believe that organic is the way to go and that eating another's flesh is not the way. They begin to see energy beings. They claim that they have a mission to be ambassadors for the coming arrivals and to prepare the way for humanities ascension to the brotherhood of light.

Most seem of these individuals seem aghast when I do not share their particular traits. Some even question if I am even experiencing a real abduction or having night terrors because of the absence of their "NEW FAITH" in my situation.

The commons I share are: 

Observational-History of Family UFO Experiences
-History of Family Abduction Experiences
-Synchronize or Sequential Clock Numbers (4:32, 3:21, 2:10, 4:44, 3:33, 2:22)
-Electronic Malfunction/Interference
-Balls of Lights
-Missing Time
-Tapping/Humming Noise
-Shadow/Hooded/Robe People
-Seeing a UFO
-Seeing Alien
-Seeing a Hybrid
-Paranormal activity

Psychological-Compulsion to study (various fields)
-Locking All Doors
-Sleep Against the Wall
-Difficulty Trusting
-Abduction Memories
-ESP (Telepathy, Empathic, Precognitive, etc)
-Uncomfortable around Crowds
-Dissociative Disorder, Minor (Being different, Pariah)
-Uncomfortable Reflective Surface
-Higher IQ

Physical-Sensation/Pains Behind Your Eye
-Physical Implant
-Cranium Sensations (Headaches/Tingling)
-Back/Neck Problems
-Soreness Upon Awakening
-Unusual Marks
-Chemical Sensitivity (Aroma)
-Chemical Sensitivity (Ingestion)
-Light Sensitivity
-Sound Sensitivity
-Significant Medical Condition (Physical)

I tend to be pragmatic, and evaluate my surrounding and self. I question everything and and begin plotting for outcomes and probability factors. I do not like deluding myself, and I believe I see what I see by contrast and comparison. However, the majority of people I have encountered or most vocal seem to be hold that my pragmatism and fear, make me different and not a real abductee.

So is it just one group among the abductees pushing their experience upon us all? Is the way abductions happening are different now? Or are they write in saying my issues are all night terrors induced by the media and narrative of the phenomena (I highly doubt that one..since this was not as widely known when I was growing up)?.

Any case I will continue to report and monitor for as long as I can. 


  1. In reply to this post.

    I feel like I have some of the items on your checlist.

    -Chosen (more "Why me?" ranther than "Yes ME!")
    -Compulsion to Becoma A Vegetraian (go that)
    -Cosmic Awarness (I would say I have a sense of "spiritual awareness")
    -Lower than Normal Body Temperature (not really)
    -Sense of a Mission (YES! To the point of overwhelming compulsion)

    I have been writing about my experiences, and I am extremely cautious to go down the "cosmic enlightenment" path. I do see it in others, and it is very much one part of the overall phenomenon. It is common and it shouldn't be dismissed as a "symptom" of something larger at play.

    Things I share on your list:

    (Beyond the fact that I have an on-line blog where I document my experiences)

    -Synchronize or Sequential Clock Numbers (I get 1234 or 12345 in very preciant moments)
    -Electronic Malfunction/Interference (occational street lights going out at very preciant moments)
    -Abduction (most probably)
    -Missing Time (one time as a 12 year old)
    -Seeing a UFOs (yes)
    -Seeing Aliens (yes, one time in 1993)

    -ESP (Telepathy, Empathic, Precognitive, etc) (yes)
    -Dissociative Disorder, Minor (Being different, yes)
    -Depression (yes, severe)
    -Higher IQ (maybe)

    -Physical Implant (maybe)
    -Unusual Marks (yes)
    -Chemical Sensitivity (Aroma) (Uhhg! I am SO sensative to simple odors!)
    -Chemical Sensitivity (Ingestion)

    Peace to you, Mike C

  2. Hi! Can you guys define missing time? Many times, [while not intoxicated with booze or other things...and I know this because I am at work] I wonder how I got from point a to point z, and not like as in "oh I forgot what I came down here for" but more like "how the fuck did I get to this room" "why is it that I do not remember taking the stairs or elevator"...this happens to me...and I do not think it is pre-alzemeirs. very curious...
