Sunday, April 30, 2017

Confessions of a UFO & Paranormal Expert

When it comes to experts in the field of the strange and usual we look to some type of expert. These experts can be anyone from authors, celebrities, retired professionals, experiencers, mediums, therapists, investigators, researchers, radio hosts, and businessmen. There are no certifications, credentials, universities, or scholastic institutions that truly cover and can bestow a title claiming that one has sufficient knowledge.
If at all the only thing they have truly is a reputation and esteem garnered and recognized by there peers and the individuals who support their work as consumers and patrons. This sadly is shaky ground for an authority to stand on, as it is supported by popularity and the forces of sales. Saying the wrong thing, not having the right connection, and no slick gimmick makes you lose your voice and you end up in obscurity.

So why do we buy into this fallacy?

Celebrity Status: Because someone is outspoken and spoken abut often gives us an idea that their assertive nature and presence grants them some measure of authority. Since they have connections, they are considered to be in the "know" as people are always willing to tell their story or lend a sympathetic ear to them.

Company Man: Many notorious organizations have field workers. Because they are a well known name, we trust that representatives have the same confidence. We don't realize that man of their "investigators" are crash course promotions. It is like when a law enforcement officer "deputizes" someone on the are their and have an now you have some limited power of authority.

Government Employee: We tend to trust our government, and therefore believe that the employees are likewise trustworthy individuals of good ethics and morals. After all they gone through security, background, and clearance screening. Ex-, former, or retired employees are seen as people who have experience and knowledge. However we have a weird dichotomy with our government, on one hand we see them as an impartial agency who is there to keep the status quo and enforce the law as ethically and morally as possible...on the other hand they are also shifty liars who look out for themselves willing to make double deals with the least amount work possible.  

Retired Professional: As stated above experience often shows commitment, dedication and knowledge. We trust a person due to their experience. They demonstrated their knowledge in a particular field through hard work. Yet sometimes they are just not see outside of the box.....and were just there waiting there time. We often don't check the quality of their work, but only the quantity of time spent. 

Success: If you can make money and have money, you must know what you are doing! Individuals who have influence, a bankroll, and can "MAKE IT HAPPEN" are often relied upon as experts. The sad thing is they are just experts at making money and manipulating the situation so it is advantageous to them and they make a profit. Interest or knowledge within a field is no factor here, just results of making a buck and climbing the ladder.

It is all who we are brought up with the idea of authority, and the ironic notion that we should never question things. Because someone has a badge, book, or a certificate, we automatically assume that they are the source of information we should go to. Not many people realized that the most successful people in the world of the Paranormal and Supernatural piggyback off of other. They follow in the footsteps of the Wizard of Menlo Park, Thomas Edison....."Walk on the backs of the success of others and be their voice, thus making their labors your own." Most of the stuff that is said is re-hashed, recycled, and public knowledge if one does some simple research.

So WHO are the experts?

   Since the realm of the paranormal and supernatural is not yet science fact, no one truly is. It is the land of imagination and make belief, the world of theorists. You can have a scholastic understanding of a field and be well read, but then what is the difference between the expert and hobbyist? The so called expert in one regards is considered and expert in the field, but a hobbyist not only attends and flocks to their works....but in turn others...and then you have a case where the hobbyist now has gained more knowledge than the established individual. Yet he hobbyist will never considered themselves an authority figure, just someone who participated or experienced the presence of a "real" researcher.

   Paradoxically we also look to the experiencer as a source, after all they were there so they have first hand knowledge of the event. We forget that most people have traumatic experiences, not everyone can be analytical and subjective interpretation of events can influence the information. Those that can be rational and subjective though can be a source of information, and it is these people who can be looked to.

In the end as I always have said..."Be Aware, Sometime we need to look around to see the whole picture".
Do not be afraid to question, do not accept authority, have confidence in yourself, be willing to adapt, and do not hold faith but reason, and remember you can make a difference! The universe around is affected by your will and perception, take charge in this contest! 

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