Saturday, July 8, 2017

Finally Wolbrother Appears in My Dreams

Date: July 7th and 8th, 2017
Type: Dream
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 12:am (7th, Me)/3:30am-5:00am, 5:30am-7:30M (Me, 8th) 
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00am (Me)/ 2:00am (Aunt)/1:00am Guest
State of Mind Before: Happy, Determined (Me)/Happy, In Pain (Aunt)
State of Mind After: Depressed, Worried (Me)/Depressed, In Pain (Aunt)
Odd occurrences before: Mandella Effect Issue, Someone in the house
Odd occurrences after: None

The day was an interesting day as I met with some friends and we had a lovely time discussing the nature of things and certain issues, my wolfbrother for one. Also despite the fact that I had let him know, another individual I contacted regarding the issue with my wolfbrother attempted to call me during the meetings.
One thing I was concerned about is the shift in things, certain things were shifting around again and people were popping up. Reality was altering again.....

Mandella Effect Issue
July 7th,  my guest and I were talking about things and somehow how Manny Pacquioa came up and Mayweather. I recall that people were upset about the lousy fight and cause Pacquioa kept running around the ring, and Mayweather lost. I remember watching the Youtube video on this because they were making fun of Pacquioa. I don't follow boxing and could careless, but the only reason it stuck is because there was also a story about how Pacquioa was an elected official in the Philippines, donates alot of his money to the community, and thinks homosexuality is wrong. So after my friend think I was crazy, I come to find out that Pacquioa is part of the series of Mandella Effects going on. My friend said he could accept the aliens, but this made me seem crazy.

July 8th, Dream 1
(Note: Before I feel asleep someone else was in the house. I was being monitored again. Felt very uneasy)
I am in a hospital with a number of other people, none of them wanted to be here. The hospital itself was cramped as it was some sort of ship. The corridors lead to other large storage facilities were there were make shift beds and people just waiting around. Most of the people were just out of it. I sort of had my own cabin that I made very comfortable, it was for me and my wolfbrother. He was not here, and the weird thing is I knew it was ours. One of the guys walking around was trying to find a place to sleep, I knew him as he was a male nurse. He was wearing purple scrubs, has black hair and fair features I told him that I have plenty of room in my pod and if he needed rest he could use mind. He walked in and used the second story of my pod which I was unaware that  had. I forgot that it was supposed to be bigger on the inside than outside.
I told him that I would wander around so he could rest as it would not be proper for us to share the same space to sleep, even though he was on the second level above me. He said it wasn't necessary and comfortable and happy, I always accommodate he should of remembered me...but they make him forget.
I started to walk around.
There were a few people who were waking up and started to panic. They were some bikers at the end of the cargo hold who were freaking out as "What the Hell. What the fuck is this place?" moment. They begin to beat and tear at the door. The other people were coming around now and beginning to become aware too as the door was opening. There was gush of wind and a bright silver-white light emanating from the door. I started to evacuate everyone, trying to get them to move out of the cargo hold as I knew what was coming.
I sealed off one door, and went to the other but it was too late....they were already taking control of the situation. The entities were extremely strong, usually they appear differently....but they paralyzed me and carried me away. The appearance this time was they were burnt orange skin, white puffy hair, and facial tattoo markings. It was a memory of a Star Trek species from the original series. The one were the people were worshiping a statue, but there was a computer behind it. I woke up around 5:00am.

Dream 2
This one is somewhat fragmentary but very important. Apparently I was with a group of people and it was at the movie theater. The movie that was shown was important, it was one of those "Oscar Winners" that I usually refuse to see because it is of know interest to me, but the story was good. As usual I questioned the method and what the message actually was, but I was distracted in the  I knew my Wolfbrother was here. Apparently his Dad let him come with me for the weekend, I was responsible for him. Despite everything that had happened we were together again. However with this movie there were several other people with us. Two older woman who to me seemed like Cagney and Lacey, another man with a Persian appearance, and a fat black girl.
For some reason as usually I did not sit and watch the film entirely, I saw some of it but I was dealing with an issue in the cargo hold were I was not supposed to be. However, I made it back in time to meet my Wolfbrother and the people we were with. My wolfrbother was in the company of this young blonde man and they seemed to go out to the concession stand. I felt disconnected and discarded when he just passed me by and ignored me. That is when the rest of the group came.
They asked me if I enjoyed the movie, I said it was interesting the part I did watch. It made a reference to overcoming obstacles, a western type movie with a spiritual message. As we were walking out they told me not worry about my Wolfbrother as "he had made other arrangements". I asked what do you mean. He found some friend who he convinced to give him $600 so he could leave. They had made some deal with each other, the friend was taking the money out on credit. I began to panic as his dad had left him in my care and now he was going to wander off. I quickly pulled out me phone and tried to call his dad or brother.
The group was all telling me what to do...all at once. "It is none of your concern. That app is a virus. It is his choice. You have an other path. You are not his keeper. You need to let go. He is no good for you. It is time to move on. He used you. There are others who appreciate you". I kept focus at the task at hand and realized that I had deleted his dad and brother contact info as they abandoned me.... they would not help me.

Despite everyone telling me to just let my Wolfbbrother go I walk right up to him as he was at the concession stand. He looked at me sort of with anger and surprise. I just said, "Wolfbrother, your dad left you in my care and I am supposed to take you home. What are you doing?" The blonde guy was standing in the distance to my right watching all of this observing and interfering as he was mouthing what my Wolfbrother was trying to say. My wolfrbother was attempting to talk, but he had no voice. He was also wearing a white apron with gold trim. What I was getting from him and the blonde guy was "Quit following me. I used you to get to here and I do not need you anymore or your pathetic love for me. It is over, go away and I never want to see you again". I looked to the right and saw the blonde man smiling and he finished mouthing what was just said. In tears I just stared at my Wolfbrother thinking "I will save you. This is not over".

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