Monday, July 10, 2017

Women in the Grey Suits

Over the course of my many encounters with aliens, there were a number of them that feature "The Women in the Grey Suits".  The one thing they all had in common was they wore a two piece grey suit, a grayish jacket, and classic knee length skirt. Although there may have been a few with the pants, I remember more often than not they had a skirt. Their skin tone was very pale, there hair was always very short, except on one occasion. The majority of them had dark haired. They were tall and slim and did not smile, nor wore make-up. Of the three pictured above, the facial expression, eyes, and stance is almost spot on. You just have to swap her head on the first picture, and have her with the suit color of the middle picture and with a tablet/clipboard.

This lady appeared in the series of encounters with what I believe was my with wolfbrother between 1993-1997, where I was introduced to my "younger brother". I was brought to a room and was told to be friends with a young child, to "calm" him down and re-assure him that things would be alright. We would play game together and just talk...we were monitored on are interaction with each other. There were a few time I recall complaining to the 'woman' "This is not right what you are doing to us. He is just a kid and you people have tortured me, now you are making me help you? No. This is not right."
The information/response that I got was "This is important to see if his series performs as intended with yours. We are building upon what has been done with you and making adjustments." After about four years he was deemed to old for this phase, as harvesting would begin since he was know entering the next stage,
We said our goodbyes, he said I was his "bestest friend and didn't want to forgot about me". After that I would not see him nor the woman for some 20 years.......

As soon as we became friends and were re-introduced again....they entered the picture. They were angry and surprised that I was there again. One how did my Wolfbrother find me and how was the connection still active. My group was likewise upset that they were back in the picture. For the next few months our experiences were intermingling and there was a lot of negative push from the women.....who would not let go of my Wolfbrother.

Eventually a liaison was re-introduced to my wolfbrother under the guise of Valor/Valeria, which I believe my have been a recycled version of Ika. "It" was like the women in grey, but she had pale blonde hair. She was more emotional, and prone to outburst of anger.  She did not like me at all. She made it a point to try to divide my Wolfbrother and myself, and did not understand why my wolfbrother would not let go of me.

Seems there is a group known as the Matriarchy...that have a number of hybrids in use. Seems I did indentify there group and they are involved with my wolfbrother somehow. We were so close to a truth......

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