Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Religion of Ufology and You Need to Study

As I have recently come to discuss things with other people in the realms of Aliens and UFOs I seen some disturbing things. It is mostly of what I attribute as religious baggage, as individuals attempt to reconcile and rationalize what is clearly beyond are current standard norm. Many individuals begin to attempt to mesh or emulate religious doctrine or fevor concerning UFO and aliens. Spiritualism, while a component becomes and overwhelming drive as a sense to understand and control the experience. I would say very few individuals deal with empirical evidence or take a more rational approach.

If there is such as things as the UFO community, it is currently divided into various factions. The predominant concern right now is the whole myth of "Disclosure". For some reason, many popular members of the UFO community insist that the U.S. government are the only one who can fully state the truth of the matter of aliens and UFOs. This is despite the fact that more than 20+ other global governments have already acknowledge that UFOs and Aliens exist. Despite the fact that the UFO-Alien Phenomena is world wide, it seems only the U.S. has any true awareness of it. Why do we need government disclosure? Alien abductions with or without government sanctions, if the aliens want to come forward they can.... plus we are no longer run by any sense of a true government. If a group or groups of aliens were truly interested in making contact they would.

With hubris, the second issue on the table is whether or not these beings are "good or bad". You have some who claim to be leaders (Con-Artists and Moneymakers) stating that these beings are here to help. You have others saying the opposite that we are being protected from a great threat, and that a compromise was made to ensure our continued existence. This had divided the overall topic of discussion, and even among many who have reported abductions..... which the word abductee has become a bad word....but that is mostly due to the spiritual aspect. Those few who just gather the evidence are often ignored, people who gather the data and science are pushed to the back because they are not popular. It is so polarized that it is an us versus them, each one discrediting the other in a bid to control a community who has become so fan-based that the topic is a lucrative career. Just look at the Comic-Con and Carnival like atmosphere now...... where's the science and where's are the support groups?

The third issue is spiritualism. As you may be aware of there are four types of individuals in the UFO community. Abductees, Experiencees, Contactees, and Fans. Again I think the route of this is marketing and control. As many know that sad and negative experiences are not as profitable as joyous ones. If you make something fun and awe-inspiring, you can make it profitable. This is were religion and spiritualism come in, and the notion of empowerment.
Seriously no one wants to be a victim right? If you are an abductee it is now view that there is something inherently wrong with you and that you attracted a negative experience. It is your fault for not being more spiritual evolved or enlightened. Thus Experiencees and Contacteee are better than the others for these beings communicate with them and form relationships. Many of these relationships are unhealthy, and many show signs of emotional, mental, and physical abuse. Yet this is okay, because it is for the greater good or they have ascended beyond petty mortal concerns. What is worse is that many people believe this without stepping back for a reality check. They dive into spiritualism, claiming that their blood type or ancestry gives them special advantages. Other cling to a religion or stating that they have high a higher consciousness than you and thus can understand the deep meaning of what is going on. We have seriously gone away from collecting information and helping those deal with their situation.

The fourth thing that drives me up the wall is the you need to study or research more. Apparently if I read "your special book" or watch "your special video" I will come to the same exact conclusion as you!!!!
Of course if I don't that mean I just don't get it... (Reminds you of all those bible-thumpers claiming they are the true path to Heaven). First off, not ever book on UFO or aliens is factual, they are all the author and those who agree with what is written is true. Being factual and basing a thought on it is entirely different, and when someone says "Just read and believe" I suggest walk away. Obviously there claims are not backed up by fact, and if they shy away from questions or a discussion....then they are probably wrong.
The whole point of a discussion is not an argument or debate, it is to share information and come to a consensus based on the new data. It will either reinforce a person's knowledge or cause one to change their opinion on the subject.
There are literally thousands of accounts, research, and other data available both found in fictional and non-fictional areas. An individual in the end can come to a logical conclusion and have an informed opinion.
I have met many individuals who try to persuade to there train of thought, when questioned I am always told "You need to read more". I consider myself well informed and read on variety of topics.....and the reasons for my question is because I had hoped to speak to a well informed and aware person. Sadly most are just spoon fed individuals who are followers and not innovators.

I seriously at times just wanna walk away. I know other need help and support and it is why is stick my head out. However, as time goes by personal issues and this issue in particular become scarier. I know what my fate will be in the end, I had hope to change it, but all that was a nasty tease and ploy by them. I only hope I can enact the final plan when it comes to ensure what needs to be. I do not want this cycle of abuse to continue and this bleakness to go on. People cannot come together as a community..... and in the end I am the only one who can take care of myself (despite the fact that I am there for all others).

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