Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Markings and More, Wolves come to Save Us

Date: November 10th-11th, 2017
Type: CE4
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 2:00pm - 4:00pm 
Attempted Time of Sleep:
11/11/17 (1:00am)
State of Mind Before: Stressed (Me)/In Pain, Anxious (Aunt)/Happy, Focused, Anxious (Wolfbrother)
State of Mind After: Very, Very Depressed, Bothered (Me)/Very Sad, In Pain (Aunt)/Happy, Focused, Anxious (Wolfbrother)
Odd occurrences before: Insomnia, Anxiety, Kidney Issues, Wolfbrother
Odd occurrences after: Anxiety, PTSD

My Wolfbrother called me in the morning and asked for me to pick him up. All I intended to do was drop off his presents and talk with him. When we meet he was very happy and let me inside the house, he seemed more content and focused and I was happy that there was improvement. He wanted to go for short drive so we could talk so we headed to "Site B", after this I had to get gas and he wanted to explore Michael Keaton's where abouts. It seems Michael Keaton has a base along the old highway, a closed highway. As we drove to it the gate was open, it was odd. We drove as far as we could passing a biker and a jogger. We encountered to markers. The road was in bad shape and I was worried for my vehicle. With my Wolfbrother though by my side we pressed on as far as we could go. As we were exploring and talking, it seems I stepped onto a "Fire Ant" hill. This is where things begin to get odd, as number one the Fire Ants did not attack, perhaps a total of 30-40 of them swarmed n my person. Second, the one that were on me seemed "dead", as I cleared them from my legs, chest, and arms many seemed to have died? I did not have a single bite. When we headed back to his house he wanted to go home, home with me...and as I said for some reason I cannot refuse him. This bothered me as I was conflicted, my mind said one thing and yet my body was doing something else. I was compliant and happy to do so, the ride back to Los Angeles was quite as he had asked and I was content but monitoring. I do not understand why I can function like that, doing to things as such. We had some food, but I was cutting back and only had a bowl of rice. I made sure he had a full meal. As we were sitting down, more fire ants had appeared. I checked my shoes, and dusted my self off thoroughly, but there were additional fire ants just walking about me. When we finished and left the restraunt
I got rid of my shirt and again dusted myself off as there were still ants. There were no bites.

We had are usual discussions and sadly he took things from me again. This hurt alot as he took back the collar, and claimed my dragon pendant and refused the pocket watch. I am very hurt by this and he doesn't understand the choice he has made by doing this. He says he knows what he is doing, and admitted that it was a mistake to get rid of me. He wants to re-forge what he threw away. New rings..... nothing eventful happened this night.

When I woke up though I had six/twelve markings on my body as shown above. As I said the fire ants did not  bit me, but I had two red dots an inch away from my elbows, knees, and ankles and they were symmetrical. There were no other markings. At first I thought these were fire ant bites, but they were inconsistent with known examples. There was a slight irritation.

Important: During the time of this writing my aunt (11/21/17) had a very bad nightmare/panic attack during the day around 11:30am. She was yelling for me to RUN. Apparently they had comeback and told her that they will be taking me away, they needed me. My aunt recalls my grandparents coming and telling them to leave us alone and this was their house. The beings told them, you have no say in this. They indicated that my aunt was usable, but not ideal. However, they want me and will eventually be able to take me.

My aunt was non-responsive during her 4 minute rambling until I started to "howl". When I began to howl she started to calm down, she realized it was me because of the wolves...because I was calling for I am a wolf. This means somethings.

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