Saturday, April 13, 2019

Direct Threats Confirmed by Three People

Date: April 12th, 2019
Type: CE4, CE5
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 5:30am-6:15am, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Attempted Time of Sleep:
5:30am and 6:00pm
State of Mind Before: Sad, Lonely, Extremely Depressed  (Me)/In Pain, Depressed (Aunt)/???(Wolfbrother)
State of Mind After: Apathy to Very Depressed to Apathy (Me)/Nervous, Scared (Aunt)???(Wolfbrother)
Odd occurrences before: Disruptive Sleeping, Insomnia, Extreme Dream Activity, E/M/P Exhaustion over Wolfbrother
Odd occurrences after: Direct Threats

Over the past weeks my Wolfbrother has been in the hospital due to sore and open wounds on his hips. Because of his "personality" he has been uncooperative with the staff and medical treatments. On April 9th he decided to leave the hospital and not inform anyone. April 10th myself and his dad went all over searching for him, 24 hours later he managed to call me and let me know he was being taken to the hospital again, but he was two hours away.... to make a long story short has "personality" got him kicked out of the hospital again. I was already exhausted and when I last saw him on Thursday... I don't want to deal with him.
He hates me, but loves me, but ashamed of me....has no consideration for anyone else or the sacrifices we make to ensure his well being, and acts like a complete ... well... you get the point. I myself had to finally go to sleep due to exhaustion, but was scared... for obvious reason.

This morning as I had to lay down, I knew what was coming because of the chatter. Although I tried to clear my mind and remain calm, putting myself in a good place....they stilled showed up. They appeared as a ball of black swirling clouds, one securing my arm. I knew they were already here since I could see them as they were trying to be as invisible as possible..... but the distortion of light gives it away. My left hand was extended and pulled into the black cloud and I was vibrating. Immediately they began to broadcast "You have been tasked to take care of him. He is your responsibility to care for. You CANNOT leave. This is what you must do "Wood Rabbit" or there will be consequences". I replied "FUCK YOU! NO! Do you have any idea how he treats me? I have done everything possible to love and care for him, to be the voice of reason and calm. He won't listen. If you care for his well being so god damn much then heal him and fix his mind! Or better yet provide me with a car and money so I can do what I can". Their response was seemed reactionary "It is your task, it always has since he was young, You know what you are, what he is, how you are both connected. You must......". I cut them off as I was tired of this charade,  "You know I can see both of you behind the cloud. You are aware I am directly communicating with you and can hear the others." There was a momentarily pause and murmurs of "shit its him", with the two who were talking to me expressing "Not him. He is awake. Let's go". They left and I was still vibrating and got up, I was not in my room, but in my room and ran after them but stopped at the door when I noticed this was not my body and I was still on the floor. I knew what I was reflecting and just warded the door and went back to my body and woke up. I knew what had happened and wanted to text my Wolfbrother.... but I was angry and hurt and very very depressed and just didn't care. I want to just want die... so I drifted off into exhaustion sleep.

Unbeknownst to me, they high tailed it out of my room and went into my aunt's room. She was startled and told the "black cloud" to not touch her and to go away! It seemed to ponder and then decided to go into her bathroom and disappear into the ceiling. She tried yelling for me....but I had passed out. However around 11:00 am after being partially asleep, in and out, I just got up because I was bothered what had happened and what continued to go on. I resumed my daily duties, and this is when I found out about my aunt's experience as she was freaked out. I shared mine, and I clearly described the entity to her before she even told me... which scared her even more. I explained to her that it involved my Wolfbrother..... and that is why I am there for him (right now they are trying to get me to stop typing... I can hear the murmurs... and they have threatened to do something to us today!). Around 12:30pm, my Wolfbrother calls and is bothered....he informs me that they came back and we need to stop them. That was the last thing I needed since now.... myself, my aunt, and he who is an hour away have had an incident. As usual he wouldn't go into detail, but they seemed very upset at me. I told him briefly that there was an incident with my aunt and I as well. He had to go.... and that was the last I heard of him for today.

I continued to perform my duties, but was bothered by the whole thing. Exhausted again and deeply bothered, around 5:00pm I tried to lay down. However I was bothered by severe leg cramps on my left shin and two toes after the pinky. I was in pain for 30min and attempted to relax and do what I can to remain calm. I did get the message "This is just a sample of what is coming for non-compliance. You will do as we command". I ignored it and was trying to rationalize this as just low potassium and stress causing a severe muscle cramp. I want to die.... I cannot honestly live like this much longer.... I am unloved and unwanted and feel so alone and trapped....  cried myself to sleep..... shutting down. I cannot drown away my sorrow in drugs or alcohol, nor find brief comfort in a physical liaison... I need the cold and the dark... so I put the AC on and just cry, dealing with the physical pain and emotional pain, and trying to shut down. Eventually I pass out.

During this time a visitor popped in around 6:30pm in my aunts room. She yelled and screamed and it expressed that no one will hear here. It said "Your nephew refuses to comply. You don't believe what you see. If you don't leave your house, your nephew, and your dog will suffer the consequences.
We warned you before, and he is not doing what we told him to do with "Wolfbrother". You interfere and will be punished". My already scarred an upset through he back at the being. It passed through it and it the floor. With a gesture it flung the book back and it landed at my aunt's feet. It seemed amused that she was fighting back. My aunt made a gesture at it and it mocked her "You think that prevents me from touching? Go ahead put your cross back on for you will need the protection if that comforts you. Remember you are to leave, for this will be proof of what we have said. To show you that this is real, you television won't work until your nephew fixes it." It then vanished. My aunt continued to yell.... but became sleepy and dozed off.
When she awoke around 10:30pm, when I got up...there was an issue with the TV and Cable that I had to fix. She told me what had happened and is scarred that today.... something is going to happen and want us to leave the house. I have no intention of doing so..... I am nobody's lab rat..... the way I am treated is gone on far enough..... unless they do something to make my life better in the way I have requested...... I am not changing my stance. I will do what it takes to protect my loved ones.

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