Thursday, June 20, 2024

No One Will Save You

This movie was done in 2023 as a fictional account of an alien invasion. It deals with a woman known as Brynn, who is the towns Pariah for killing her best friend some 15+ years ago by "accident". She live alone in a huge house all by herself and make her money with a clothing "Etsy shop". You would think after a scandal like this, the family would get up and move from this small Wayne says "Bad gas in a small town travels fast".

Despite some evidence of activity during the day, things heat up pretty fast the first night of the movie after an Alien comes into her home and attacks her. After a few struggles, she manages to kill the being by accident. After the initial shock wears off she heads into town to report it, noticing a neighbors home has been ransacked as well. When sh arrives in town, everything seems normal as she head to the Police Station. She runs into her former best friends parents and panics, the mother of her friend spits on her. Brynn then runs away. She finally figures to get out of town. As she is leaving though, one of the passengers is possessed by an alien and attacks her. As all heck breaks loose, she runs from the bus and becomes aware that many of the townsfolk are "possessed". She makes her way back home.

She return home noticing that the body is still there and begins to reinforce the home. She also is being a dumbass by making sure every light is on or candle. As night comes.....they show up to retrieve the body. This time there is some variation to their forms; one a normal type grey, a second short one with clawed arms, and a third gigantic quadruped. Each chase her down and she again kills one. eventually she is overpowered, finding a slug in her mouth that attempts to control her. However, as a GURL BOSS MARY SUE, she is able to fight the mind control with her trauma. This cause the mind slug to leave her body and reform into a clone of her and they fight. She wins of course.....but again eventually the aliens capture her and begin to study her. The films quickly unravels into "she messed up in the head" and aliens feel bad and allow her to become social services agent for her town as all the possessed bodies under their control need guidance. Despite that there is an armada of UFO in the skies.

The trailer for the film is excellent and suspenseful, and the dramatization of an alien abduction/home invasion is done well.... but the over all story and characters are extremely stupid. It is not like their are any examples of worldwide alien occupation/take over movies to kinda understand the concept... and there is absolutely nothing that makes the "Rey Skywalker" any more special. I get it.... her life sucks, but that is like 98% of the world with their problems..... and my life is way more shittier than hers. Again, the beings I dealt with and already encountered trauma and are not "what is that?".  Its fun if you don't care about logic and want something that provides monster jump scares, but the ending is absolutely offal!

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