Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Chronicles of Bullet Head: Black and UFOs

 This film was release in 2023 and passes itself off as a documentary with an AFRO-CENTRIC theme in conjunction with UFO and Alien Abduction phenomena. Although it claims itself again as a real case studies, the dramatization and "real" interview leads to come inconsistencies. 

In summation it chronicles a CE3/CE5 event that happens somewhere in England circa 1995, attempting to be vague about the time and location. In one of the "interviews" the dialogue slips out that it is in "London" and "last time I saw her was in 1995" to give an idea where this event occurred. The individuals involved belong to a learning annex/community center of some kind that deals with paranormal science and afro-culture. The center is a combination of art gallery and sells some book called "Diary of a Badman". Also most of the clothing makes reference to a song "No Fake Love" circa 2003 and clothing line circa "2016" in the year 1995! The classes being taught range from gravity, quantum physics, propulsion, word etymology, and a lil' bit of Afro-Pride misinformation and various word salads. Sadly it makes them extremely ignorant as they try to sound intelligent, regurgitating something they read and then try to explain....if Neil Degrass Tyson saw this he would probably have a headache. They have a habit of make people feel stupid by "breaking down" words.. a tactic cults like to use to brainwash... most of their examples miss the mark.
One member who is into Hindu Spiritualism and crystals is contacted by their spiritual guide, saying that they will becoming. She lets the learning annex group know that something special is gonna happen and they plan a weekend trip to a park/forest outside the forest with a lake. For the most part, the group has fun during the day...but as the night draws close activity happens. A ship suddenly flies over and lands a few yards away, some surmise that it was a cloud that didn't move all day. The member who was contacted by her spiritual guide becomes possessed, and lets the group know that they come in peace... and a glowing presence makes it form visible with "Chakra" light blinking on it. Soon a couple a couple of Nordic escort the being, who claims to be a "celestial master" back to the ship and they leave. Some of the group are visibly shaken by the experience for the next couple of weeks.
The lady who was possessed is still being ridden by a being who wants to experience humanity, making things difficult for he boyfriend. After a few weeks she seems normal, but urges the learning annex members to go back...this time making sure some of the group who missed out last time show up. She gives out crystals to help them with this experience, and again some odd stuff happens.
After the event, the group is shaken up....the possessed girl is still dealing with possession issues and an other chick starts to have trouble as well....but fighting the spiritual presence. People still seem upset, even one guy who had an epiphany of scientific knowledge. They even claim that hybrids or government agents walked in on their meetings.
Unbeknownst to both possessed chicks..... a couple of guys go out to the park/lake, where more activity takes place. One member starts to realize that this is a hot spot for activity, as other are among the trees and the boats waiting and watching.

The dramatization of this event is interrupted by "interviews" with the actual witnesses and by blacksplaining the UFO phenomena and myths. Apparently the Annunaki were black...and Jesus and Angels are black too. Even blacksplaining the periodic table happens....this film I fear drains one IQ with all the stupidity it preaches.... and is blacksploitation and not at all entertaining. They touch upon every aspect of the UFO Phenomena; Reptilians, Greys, energy beings, possession, Nordics, crystals, Hindi New Age Spiritualism, non-moving clouds, Hybrids, Government Conspiracies, past lives....

It is another example of the trend of muddying the waters of making shit up and claiming its as real, its not even good writing and defiantly needed an editor for some big mistakes.

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