Monday, July 29, 2024

UFO Sighting Los Angeles 7/28/2024

Date: 7/28/2024
Type: CE1
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 2:25am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:30am
State of Mind Before: Stressed, Depressed
State of Mind After: Tired (Me)
Odd occurrences before: None
Odd occurrences after: None

It is not to uncommon that I see odd things in the sky. In my area of Los Angeles there is activity from traffic and police helicopters, as well as a far amount of arrival traffic from LAX as they make a wide turn over Los Angeles to land. It is unusual for me to spot something that I cannot readily identify, such as silver orbs during the day far to the southwest that travel east and loop back west or the occasion late night orb high up in the sky that there one moment then disappears.

Now supposedly starting this week there is a meteor shower, but such thing are not visible due to light pollution, from living within the city and the proximity of the Union Pacific Rail Yards to the southeast. I walked out last night around 2:20am throwing trash, and on my second round of throwing things away I noticed a bright orange orb in the sky to the west of me. At first I thought this was another low flying police helicopter in my direct line of sight. It appeared to have a smaller red light beneath it. However, there was no sound what so ever and the red light began to disappear from it. So I stood there and watched it as it came closer. The orange orb began to get smaller, as if it started to rapidly ascend. At this point there were momentary sparks and a plasma discharge of red, blue, green. As I was watching it I thought it must be another Space X launch.... a rocket of some sort since I saw a discharge. The last time this happen it was very obvious and there was no sound either. However the last time, it was a steady path with no change in elevation. At the start the orange orb was large and flying low, then got smaller and went up while still traveling as it was not passing by as fast. The yellow dots on the map indicate where there was an obvious change in elevation...going from low helicopter altitude to high airline plane level. Here I was thinking not a helicopter, not a rocket, not a drone, not a plane, not a firework, not a meteorite, and not a fireball. Why would the trajectory be low and straight, then ascended rapidly. As it was high in the sky I noticed it was leaving a wake in the clouds, which was odd. Unlike a v shaped waked it was leaving a large half circle wake, where the pinpoint of light had a clear space in front of it, as if an orb was moving through. I was waiting for a sonic boom..... yet nothing occurred. At this point I realized that this was a UFO, in that I could not readily identify or figure out what it was. I ran to the house to get my camera phone.

When I got outside it past the field of vision from the from of the house and had to go to the back yard. There I found the pinpoint of light still traveling in a south-east direction. Again since I could see it with my naked eye, it was a matter of distance but elevation. Sadly the video I tried to take did not capture anything but blurry movement as it was to far off in height or distance, plus the telephone and electrical wire where in the way. It then disappeared somewhere past the 710 freeway I estimated, high above Union Pacific Rail Yard and the adjacent Army Corp of Engineering center. I thought the sighting was over since the orb disappeared, but it then abruptly appeared at helicopter level again as a bright orange orb right behind the Food 4 Less building I could see and traveled south west, disappearing beyond the skyline of the buildings.

I been trying to see if anyone saw this, but yet Youtube or local searches have yet to show any results.I did report this on the Enigma App, that simply took some basic info. I know there are other agencies, but MUFON and other make it more difficult in reporting.

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