Thursday, August 1, 2024

Grandmother and Some Dreams

Date: 7/5/2024 to 7/20/2024
Type: CE5
Location: Los Angeles, CA, 90023
Time of Incidents: 4:00am to 6:00am
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:30am to 4:00am
State of Mind Before: Stressed, Depressed
State of Mind After: Tired (Me), Wolfbrother (Upset), Aunt (N/A)
Odd occurrences before: Wolfbrother Contact and Sightings
Odd occurrences after: Audio "Name Called"

The level of activity varies from time to time. My personal activity unless it is really obvious CE4 stuff are series of CE5 dream intrusions. My Wolfbrother who lives with me has CE4/CE5 level on contact and interference. The main difference between myself and my Wolfbrother is that he initially wants to talk to them and make deals, while observe and resist.

With my Wolfbrother, he claims that they come into the room and look at him. They run by the bed or they appear in the doorways looking in. They communicate at times asking him stupid questions and instigating bad feeling between him and I. They have accused me and tried to convince him that I intend to hurt him, and he needs to strike back "again". This group tries to confuse him a lot, telling him false narratives of his past as well as trying to convince him that they are an authority figure and knows what is best for him. He does communicate this to me, and I try to let him know to not listen and compare things of what they show him and say. Most of the time they do make errors by generalizing things and not accurately portraying stuff... attention to detail is things are off or illogical. From time to time I do feel a presence before he says something or I do note odd flashes in the room that have no source. So something is happening on his end.

As for myself the high level of activity has decreased from what it was, and it is mostly check ins or feedback when they are in the area. To remind people of what "feedback" I am aware of their presence and can tune in on their activity. Either watching the POV of one or more of them as they walk around and do there stuff, or can hear the overall chatter and instructions. I assume they are within the area, as far as distance I have no idea when this kicks in....but it is not intentional on their end. The odd thing though that they do seem to do is "Dream Intrusion".  Meaning that you can be having a normal dream and they show up in it, as in outplace or an oddly specific theme and tone change take over. I know everyone has there own level of dreaming from lucid to placid, some people can read while other are just observers with no control. These two were interactive and highly lucid in the end where they "intruded".

Dream 1

There was a recent power outage around Fourth of July in my area that influenced this dream. As in the dream the power went out and as usual I go to check on my aunt and get candles/lantern for her so she wouldn't be in the dark. This felt more like a memory reply, and I was aware of it just going through the motions. However when I was walking back to my room, my grandmother was on the floor asking for help (my grandmother passed away in 2000). Without hesitation I went to her to help her up, I asked her what was wrong and she spoke in Spanish saying "They were here. They are in the house. They dragged me out of the room and through me on the floor. What is going on?" I told her "Don't worry. I am here now. Let me help you up and get you to your room. Are you hurt, is everything ok." and I looked her over to make sure she wasn't bruised or bleeding since we have a tile floor in the hallway now. Again she said "They are here. They are watching you. Why is he here? He is so mean to you. You need to be careful, I know you are not happy". I explained to her ignoring the alien reference "He is here because he needs me. He needs help. I am never going to be happy or get what I want. I am doing what is right". The dream intrusion ends there. As I am now fully wake on the floor, I am stressed. Why in the heck would I have dream this? Okay... why the alien references. I dislike having ANY dreams with family members (good or bad standing), with my grandma who is in good standing I don't like that I found her in a state of discomfort (one that had never happened, so that was not a memory). Also the urgency of her warning about "them" and the asking about my "wolfbrother" irked me.

Dream 2

A recurring theme in my dreams of this house is that the "large room" has something wrong with it. In my dreams the room that I slept in while I was younger has been remembered in my dreams as "Super Creepy". The electricity won't work to turn on the lights sometimes, there is a heavy prescience in the room, you don't want to go in, the door opens and closes at times, the windows open and closes on it own, and furniture gets tossed around. In the real world....many of my teenage abductions happened there....and there is some odd activity in there as far as the door opening and closing on it own. In the real world, guest have seen weird shadows from time to time. This time in the dream I am again, for some reason, sleeping in the room again, I am apprehensive since I know this is bad. I check the windows to make sure they are locked and closed, and that the curtains cannot be moved so no one can see in. I look around the room to make sure everything is in its place. The computer monitor, TV, lights and lamps, clear space, and closet doors are closed. I do not want to sleep there. I lay on the bed, but I force myself to stay awake. As I sit there, my aunt and grandma scream. I check on my aunt and she seems okay and tells me to check on my grandmother. I go to her room and she is crying in the bed as if waking up from a horrible nightmare. Again she speaks in Spanish to me "Why are they here. What do they want. They mentioned you. Why are you important to them?". I tried to console her and tell her that she is okay. I explain to her that they always come since i was little, that grandpa saw then, my aunt and mom saw them. You just don't want to accept that they are aliens, you keep things angels or demons. They are not ghosts, but physical beings who have harmed me. I also explain again about my wolfbrother and why he is here. He needs me and he is my family. At this point I hear a loud bang and run to my aunt's room and she is okay. The door to my old room slammed shut and the light go out in the hallway. They are here, in the room. I don't want to go in, but I charge the door and make my way into the room. The light is on, but the whole room is overturned and disarrayed. The window is open and the drapes open. I know this is not good. I wake up very upset. Again, why is my grandmother appearing in my dream. Again... why is she asking about the Aliens and why am I explaining...AGAIN.. about my situation with my wolfbrother.

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